Spring 2009 Election Packets Available
The Student Government Association and the Election Commission is proud to announce the start of Spring 2009 Elections.
Elections will be held for all offices within the Student Government Association, including all Senator seats as well as Executive Council officers of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. To start the process simply download an Election Packet available at the end of this article. All Elections Packets must be returned to the Elections Commission on the third floor of the Stern Student Center by 5:00pm on Wednesday, February 25th.
Mandatory Informational Meetings for students interested in campaigning to be an Executive Member or Senator are required to attend ONE meeting. Those meetings are as follows:
Wednesday, February 18 at 11am, Stern 409
Thursday, February 19 at 5pm, Stern 413
Monday, February 23 at 12pm, Stern 206
Tuesday, February 24 at 3pm, Stern 201
If there are any questions regarding the Elections, please contact the Election Commission at cofcelectioncommission@gmail.com. Please note that campaigning may NOT begin until 12:01am on Wednesday March 11, 2009. It is the responsibility of every candidate to read the Elections By-Laws and understand the consequences of a failure to follow them.
Official By-Laws of the Student Government Association, updated Feb. 17, 2009
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