Senate Feb. 26th

There was a good turn-out at Senate this week with every Senator, a large number of students, and a couple of camera teams in attendance. President Hinds opened by requesting that Vice President Seaton Brown step down from the podium for the remainder of the meeting. Among the committee reports given was the Campus Diversity Committee announcement that there would be a Campus Wide Diversity Committee meeting at 5:30 PM Feb. 28 in Hawkins Lounge of Buist Rivers Dorm. The only unfinished business, to establish an ad-hoc Student Affairs Committee, was tabled, and the Senate moved on to new business, the first of which was a bill to determine whether the said offenses listed in the letters calling for the impeachment of Vice President Seaton Brown existed. Vice President Brown opened debate by stating his opposition to the bill. Debate continued until a short recess was called at 5:40 PM. After recess, debate resumed until 6:20 PM when a vote was placed on the bill. The bill received twenty ayes and ten nays, allowing the bill to pass by the required two-thirds majority. The Senate then moved on to other business, passing bills to allocate funds to the Americans for Informed Democracy Club and the Roller Hockey Club. Another bill to approve revisions to the SGA Bylaws was tabled, and Senate moved on to several minor announcements before allowing open forum. Students and Senators alike voiced their opinions regarding the days proceedings and continued to debate until Senate was adjourned at 7:00 PM.

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