Senate Feb. 12th
This week the Student Government Association held an eventful meeting. Under President Hinds’ report she announced that SGA is volunteering with the Habitat for Humanity Blitz Build tomorrow, Feb. 13, from 3 p.m. until 6 p.m. President Hinds sent around United States Senator Joe Biden’s petition in case anyone wanted to sign it and she also thanked the student volunteers for the new PAL Program. Vice-President Brown brought three guest speakers before the senate. Monica Scott spoke about the progress of the new facilities on campus. Lynn Cherry and Cathy Boyd also came before the senate and spoke about the Dual Degree policy and what changes might be made in the near future to that policy. After other executive council announcements the individual committees gave announcements and then the senate went into a period of new business.
Within new business, Noelle London and Dionna Everett were installed as sophomore senators. There was a bill presented by Senator Cromley to allocate funds to Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) for the purpose of traveling to Tuscon, Arizona for “Duel in the Desert” competition. Alongside that, there was also a bill presented by Senator Mattoon to allow Collegiate Entrepreneurship Organization into their 28-day mandatory waiting period to become a club.
The longest discussion and debate period came when President Pro Tempore Bauserman presented a bill to approve the revisions to sections 400.003, 901.001a, 901.001b, and 909.001 made by the Bylaws Committee. The meeting was adjourned before voting on this bill due to time conflicts in the Ballroom.
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