Eighteenth Session of Senate
The Student Government Assembly will be meeting tomorrow at 4:30 p.m. in the Stern Center Ballroom (SSC 400). Any person from the CofC community is welcome to attend. You also have the opportunity to utilize the Open Forum mic at the beginning of the meeting to make suggestions, brief announcements, reports, or updates.
The following pieces of legislation will be voted upon at this week’s Student Government meeting:
- SB-41-2013- A bill to allow National Students of AMF to enter their 28-day waiting period.
- SB-42-2013- A bill to allocate $75 to the student organization, Phi Delta Phi, for the event, “Law School Admissions: everything you ever wanted to know”.
- SB-43-2013- A bill to allocate up to the amount of $500 to the student Taylor Moore, for the purpose of Dominican Republic Summer Project.
- SB-44-2013- A bill to allocate $140 to the student organization, Swing Dance Club for the purpose of Modern Dance Night.
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