Fifteenth Session of Senate

The Student Government Assembly will be meeting tomorrow at 4:30 p.m. in the Stern Center Ballroom (SSC 400). Any person from the CofC community is welcome to attend. You also have the opportunity to utilize the Open Forum mic at the beginning of the meeting to make suggestions, brief announcements, reports, or updates.

 The following pieces of legislation will be voted upon at this week’s Student Government meeting:

  1. SB-18-2013- A bill to allocate up to the amount of $220.00 to the Biology Club for the Riverbank Zoo Conservation Exploration.
  2. SB-19-2013- A bill to allocate up to the amount of $1,085.54 to the Biology Club for the Edisto Environmental Conservation Trip.
  3. SB-20-2013- A bill to allocate up to the amount of $500.00 to the Portuguese Club for the Brazilian Contemporary Music Concert and Lecture.
  4. SB-21-2013- A bill to allocate up to the amount of $120 to the student organization, Gay-Straight Alliance, for the purpose of GSA Valentine’s Day Party.
  5. SB-22-2013- A bill to allocate up to the amount of $4604 to the student organization, Hockey Club for the purpose of playoffs in Virginia.
  6. SB-23-2013- A bill to allocate up to the amount of $285.75 to Hannah Reynolds, from the Student Outreach Fund.
  7. SB-24-2013- A bill to allocate up to the amount of $364 to the student organization, Volunteer Corps for the purpose of Kayak Retreat.
  8. SB-25-2013- A bill to allocate up to the amount of $440 to the Psychology Club for the purpose of their End of the year Banquet.
  9. SB-18-2013- A bill to allocate up to the amount of $307.50 to the student organization, Campus Affairs Committee for the purpose of providing breakfast to CofC students during tabling on March 26, 3013.
  10. SB-19-2013- A bill to allocate up to the amount of $250 to the student Seth Burrell, for the purpose of Student Outreach Fund.

Click here to view the agenda for tomorrow!

We hope to see you there!


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