Senate is Up and Running!

It has been a busy year for your SGA, in only three senates we have:

  • Approved five new student organizations.
  • Allocated $600 from Contingency to six different clubs.
  • Allocated $500 from the Student Outreach Fund to student Alix Generous for the United Nation’s Convention of Biological Diversity.

The Student Government Association will be meeting tonight at 4:30 p.m. in the Stern Center Ballroom (SSC 400). Any person from the CofC community is welcome to attend. You also have the opportunity to utilize the Open Forum mic at the end of the meeting to make suggestions, brief announcements, reports, or updates.

In addition to having a presentation/Question and Answer session with Dining Services, the following pieces of legislation will be voted upon at this week’s Student Government meeting:

  1. FB-18-2012 – A bill to appoint Matthew Gay to the position of Junior Class Senator.
  2. FB-19-2012- A bill to appoint Wes Stolarski to the position of Senior Class Senator.
  3. FB-20-2012- A bill to appoint Erik Corcoran to the position of Junior Class Senator.

To view the agenda for the October 2, 2012 Student Government Assembly Meeting, Click Here.

College of Charleston Student Body President

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