A Message from SGA President Isaiah Nelson: SGA Election Informational Sessions
I hope you are all enjoying your welcome week activities and are looking forward to classes! I wanted to give you information about the Student Government Association (SGA) election informational sessions that are occurring this week. As you know, SGA is a great way to get involved with our College and greater community, and I highly encourage you to attend one of these meetings to learn about how to run for SGA office.
Please know that there are available seats in ALL classes, so no matter what your age you are welcome to come out! Additionally, you need to attend one of these short, 20-30 minute meetings if you would like to run for any SGA legislative office. Here are the times of the informational sessions:
Wednesday, August 25th, 7:00pm in Stern 201
Thursday, August 26th, 5:00pm in Stern 201
Friday, August 27th, 12:00pm in Stern 201
Friday, August 27th, 4:00pm in Stern 201
Monday, August 30th, 1:00pm in Stern 201
If you have any questions about these meetings or anything related to the SGA elections, please e-mail the Election Commission at sgaelectionscofc@gmail.com. If you have any questions or comments about the SGA, please e-mail me at nelsoni@cofc.edu.
Isaiah Nelson
President of the Student Body
Student Government Association
The College of Charleston
(c) 703-475-0886
(w) 843-953-5722
Web: sga.cofc.edu
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