A Message from President George Benson
To the College of Charleston community,
The tragic events at Virginia Tech are deeply felt here at the College of Charleston. They echo throughout the higher education community and, indeed, the entire nation. As we keep our colleagues and peers in Blacksburg in our thoughts and prayers, we are humbly reminded of our fragile existence.
Throughout this unfortunate circumstance, our campus community is brought closer together and linked by a profound concern for the mutual health and well being of our co-workers, fellow students, friends and family. As always, the safety of our campus community is a primary concern; we will continue to use every resource available to keep our community safe.
Yesterday’s events are also a reminder that we all should reach out for help in times of need. Our counseling office is available to students who are in need of support. The walk-in hours are Monday- Thursday, 12:30-5:30 p.m. and Fridays, 12:30-3:30 p.m.
We invite the College community to come together to mourn, to commemorate, and to wish for comfort and solace for the Virginia Tech community. I invite you to join me on the Cistern on Monday, April 23 at 1:00 p.m. to pause and reflect.
– President P. George Benson
College of Charleston
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