Senate March 11
Senators were welcomed back from spring break with caprisun juice before President Hinds opened Senate as usual by delivering her executive officer report. After explaining her decision to veto a recently passed Constitutional amendment and reminding senators that her veto could be overturned by a 2/3 majority, President Hinds yeiled time to former SGA Senator and Treasurer Andrew Smeltzer, who came to deliver a speech about his experience in SGA and offered perspective regarding SGA’s institutional memory. After committee reports were delivered Senate moved on to new business, which consisted of bills to establish an ad-hoc Student Affairs Committee and approve revisions to the SGA Bylaws proposed by the Bylaws Committee. New business was begun by insalling and swearing in Derek Banov as a Sophomore Senator. Senate continued by voting on bills brought forward on behalf of student clubs and organizations. Bills were passed to give registered status to the Nursing Club, the Human Resources Club, and Project Harambee. Bills were also passed to allow Charleston Student Advocates for the Arts to enter a 28 day waiting period to gain registered status and to allocated funds to the College of Charleston’s Men’s Soccer Club. Senate then proceeded by considering a bill proposed by Senator Hoberman to provide more course information to student during registration and a bill by Senator Essleman to establish a date and time to hold a constitutional convention. Both bills were tabled, and after
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