Dr. DeBenedittis presents “Seduce Me”
A presentation “Seduce Me” by Dr. DeBenedittis of
http://www.medialiteracy.net/. He will speak at the College of
Charleston on March 18, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in Kresse Arena on the
following topics: body image, eating disorders, binge drinking and
sexual violence.
According to Dr. DeBenedittis, media corporations profit from selling
self-hate and destructive behavior. The price we pay for their
* 5 to 15% of female college students suffer from eating disorders
* 38% of undergrads abuse alcohol
* 70,000 campus rapes happen annually
Dr. DeBenedittis unmasks the media processes fueling this
constellation of problems while teaching social norms. This
state-of-the-art multimedia tour gives hope and offers personal
Dr. Peter DeBenedittis is one of America’s leading experts on media
education and prevention. Peter has consulted for the Centers for
Disease Control, the American Medical Association, and the White House
Office on Drug Control Policy. Dr. D. regularly keynotes at education,
prevention, health promotion, and media conventions. Annually, he
speaks to more than 50,000 and trains more than 1,000 teachers and
health/prevention activists on how to use science-based media
education for prevention.
Having previously run an ad agency for 10 years, Peter D. now uses his
advertising knowledge to educate for prevention rather than seduce for
profits. He was featured in a recent episode of the CBS news magazine
48 Hours for his work teaching media literacy.
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