Senate Feb. 19th
President Hinds opened Senate by remarking on the success of Homecoming and Habitat Blitz efforts over the past week and reminding SGA candidates for the Fall of 2008 to attend elections meetings in the coming week. Vice President Brown then announced city plans to turn Coming Street and Spring Street into two-way streets and proceeded with the agenda, which consisted of 14 bills. Ten of the bills on the agenda were passed and four were tabled. The Senate approved revisions to sections 1200.001 and 1400.001 of the SGA Bylaws, appointed Andrea Atkinson and Whitney Whitson to the positions of sophmore senators, changed the statuses of AID, the Collegiate Middle Level Association, the Realestate Club, the Chucktown Trippin’ Tones, and the College of Republicans from registered organizations to sanctioned organizations, allocated funds to AID, the Realestate Club, and the CofC Roller Hockey Club, and approved revisions to sections 400.003, 901.001b, and 909.001 of the SGA Bylaws made by the Bylaws Committee.
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