Senate Feb. 5th
The Student Government Association held a senate meeting on February 5th, 2008.
During Vice President Brown’s announcements James Williams, a staff member of the Addlestone Library spoke about the printing policy. For committee reports, the Academic Affairs committee is working on a bill to change Senate meeting to Thursdays instead of Tuesdays so that students may attend Faculty senate meetings on Tuesdays. The Campus Diversity committee is working on planning Take Back the Night. Anne Thorsen was appointed as a senior senator. Erin Michalewicz was appointed as a sophomore senator.
During New Business the following legislation was presented. A bill was passed to allow the Project Harambee club to enter their 28-day mandatory waiting period to become a club on campus. There was a bill to allocate money to ACM. There was also a bill to allow the Nursing Club to enter their 28-day mandatory waiting period to become a sanctioned club. Another bill passed was in support of the President’s Student Council recommendations for a solution to the poor quality of College of Charleston’s recreation fields on James Island. The Senate also approved the revisions to sections 900.000-1000.000 made by the Bylaws Committee. Among other reasons for revisions, some were made because the senate did not feel that the Honor Board Council was cohesive with the SGA to elect a member from the honor board of that organization.
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