Welcome back!
Happy New Year and Welcome back, CofC! SGA has many events and legislative ventures in the works for the 2007 spring semester. As always these events are created and designed to enrich the College of Charleston experience and lend a voice to every member of the student body. Please mark your calendars for the State of the Student Body Address, February 7th, 5:30 in Alumni Hall. This Address will be an opportunity for each student to hear what the Student Government Association has been doing for the College; our successes and even our failures of 2006, our ambitions and our goals for the 2007 spring semester. SGA is also looking into the future and will unveil its’ 1,3 & 5 year plan for the Association as well as its revised mission statement. The 21st President, Dr. George Benson is scheduled to attend the State of the Student Body address as well as campus and community leaders, we look forward to seeing you there! Please mark your calendar.
Pick up your copy of the SGA newsletter; the culmination of SGA’s fall semester. Checkout what SGA is doing for you. Also, make sure your Senators are representing your voice and check out your Senators’ mission statements in the Stern Student Center lobby at the end of January.
Good luck to you this semester and in the new Year!
Jacqui Barry
President, SGA
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