At The College of Charleston (2015-Present)
CSCI 215 Website Programming, CSCI 221 Computer Programming II, CSCI 230 Data Structures, CSCI 350 Computer Organization and Digital Logic, CSCI 392 Computing in Society, CSCI 399 Mobile App Development for Drone Robotics, CSCI 399 Artificial Intelligence, CSCI 462 Software Engineering Practicum, DATA 495 Data Science Capstone, CSIS 604 Distributed Systems (graduate level).
At Southeastern Louisiana University (2012-2015)
CMPS 161 Algorithm Design and Implementation I, CMPS 280 Algorithm Design and Implementation II, CMPS 390 Data Structures, CMPS 470 Machine Learning, CMPS 491 Special Topics, CMPS 570 Machine Learning (graduate level), CMPS 591 Special Topics (graduate level), SE 101.
At University of South Carolina Upstate (2004-2012)
SCSC 585 Introduction to Computer Vision, SCSC 580 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, SCSC 530 Programming Language Structures, SCSC 509 Topics in Computer Science, SCSC 499 Directed Research, SCSC 450 E-business Web Application Development, SCSC 441 Experiential Learning (field internship), SCSC 399 Independent Study, SCSC 321 Advanced Data Structures, SCSC 314 Introduction to Robotics, SCSC 300 Computer Science II, SCSC 241 Advanced Algorithm Design, SCSC 200 Computer Science I, SCSC 150 Introduction to Computer Science, SCSC 141 Elementary Algorithms.
At the University of Central Florida (2000-2003)
CAP6640 Natural Language Understanding (graduate level), CAP5636 Advanced Artificial Intelligence (graduate level), CAP4630 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, COP3530 Computer Science III, CGS3175 Internet Applications, COT3100 Introduction to Discrete Structures, CGS2100 Fundamentals of Business Computer Science, CGS1060 Introduction to Computer Science (Teaching Assistant only).
At the Spartanburg Day School (Middle School Robotics Program, 2011-2012)
Designed and taught a year-long robotics course for the 8th grade – two sections, thirty four students in total. This course included a combination of programming and mobile/industrial robotics theoretical information and hands-on activities.