Peer-Reviewed, Published Articles (Technical)
Megan Landau and Sebastian van Delden. 2017. A System Architecture of Hands-Free UAV Drone Control Using Intuitive Voice Commands. Short Paper in the Companion Proceedings of the 12th Annual International Conference on Human Robot Interaction. HRI2017. Vienna, Austria. March 6-9, 2017.
Sebastian van Delden, Grace Chenevert, and John Burris. 2015. Finger Tip Tracking for Manipulator Jogging using the Kinect. In Proceedings of the 7th Annual IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications. TePRA 2015. Boston, MA. May 11-12, 2015
Kuo-Pao Yang, Sebastian van Delden, and Elyse Bond. 2014. KinectFlix: A Hand Gesture Recognition Application for Kinect to Watch NetFlix. World Journal of Computer Application and Technology (WJCAT), ISSN 2331-4982, 2(1): 6-9, January, 2014.
Sebastian van Delden, Carlos Rosario, Gregory Hess, and Michael Umrysh. 2012. Pick-and-Place Application Development using Voice and Visual Commands. Industrial Robot: An International Journal. Volume 39, Number 6, Pp 592-600. Emerald Publishers.
Sebastian van Delden and Andrew Whigham. 2012 – A Bluetooth-based Architecture for Android Communication with an Articulated Robot. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems – Collaborative Robotics and Human Robot Interaction. Pages 104-109. Denver, Colorado. May 21-25, 2012.
Sebastian van Delden and Michael Umrysh. 2011. Visual Detection of Objects in a Robotic Work Area using Hand Gestures. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Robotics and Sensor Environments, Montreal, Canada, Pp 237-243. September 17-18, 2011.
Sebastian van Delden and Nicole Tobias. 2010. A Novel Approach to 3D Contour Recovery using Structured Light Mounted to a Robotic Manipulator. In Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Applications, Cambridge, MA, Pp 167-173, Nov 1-3, 2010.
Sebastian van Delden and Frank Hardy. 2009. Robotic Eye-in-hand Calibration in an Uncalibrated Environment. In the Journal on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. vol 6(6). Pp 67-72.
Sebastian van Delden and Benjamin Overcash. 2008. Towards Voice-Guided Robotic Manipulator Jogging. In Proceedings of the 12th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. vol 3. Pp 138-144. Orlando, Florida. July 2008.
Sebastian van Delden. 2007. Problematic Syntactic Patterns. Language and Computers, Volume 60. “Corpus Linguistics Beyond the Word: Corpus Research from Phrase to Discourse.” Edited by Eileen Fitzpatrick. Rodopi Publishers. Pp 59-71.
Sebastian van Delden, Ricky Farr, and Seth Hensley. 2007. An Automated Camera Orientation Recovery Algorithm for an Eye-in-Hand Robotic Manipulator. In Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments. Pp 1-6. Ottawa, Canada. October 12-13, 2007.
Sebastian van Delden. 2006. Improving Inter-Level Communication in Cascaded Finite-State Partial Parser. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Selected Papers from the 5th International Workshop on Finite State Methods in NLP. Springer. 4002. Pp 259-270.
Sebastian van Delden. 2006. Constructing a Simple Visually-Guided Robotic Part-Grasping System with Off-the-Shelf Components. In Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence. Pp 211-216. Washington, D.C. November 13-15, 2006.
Sebastian van Delden. 2005. Complement Identification Algorithms for Partial Parsers. International Transaction on Computer Science and Engineering. vol 9(1). Pp 210-220. June 2005.
Sebastian van Delden. 2005. Simple but Useful Algorithms for Identifying Noun Phrase Complements of Embedded Clauses in a Partial Parse. In Proceedings of the 10th International Confe on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems. Pp 357-361. Alicante, Spain.
Sebastian van Delden and Fernando Gomez. 2004. Cascaded Finite-State Partial Parsing: A Larger-First Approach. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory (CILT). Edited by N. Nicolov, K. Botcheva, G. Angelova, and R. Mitkov. vol 260, Pp 402-413. John Benjamin Publishers, Amsterdam.
Sebastian van Delden, David Bracewell, and Fernando Gomez. 2004. Supervised and Unsupervised Automatic Spelling Correction Algorithms. In Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration. Las Vegas, Nevada. Pp 530-535. November 8-10, 2004.
Sebastian van Delden and Fernando Gomez. 2004. A Finite-State Comma Tagger. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Tools. vol 13(3). Pp 449-468. World Scientific Publishing.
Sebastian van Delden and Fernando Gomez. 2004. Retrieving NASA Problem Reports: A Case Study in Natural Language Information Retrieval. Journal of Data and Knowledge Engineering. Vol 48(2). Pp 231-246. Elsevier Science.
Sebastian van Delden and Fernando Gomez. 2003. Extending a Finite State Approach for Parsing Commas in English to Dutch. Language and Computers: Studies in Practical Linguistics. Edited by Charles F. Meyer and Nelleke Oostdijk. vol 27, Pp 25-38.
Sebastian van Delden and Fernando Gomez. 2003. A Larger-First Approach to Partial Parsing. In Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing. Pages 124-131. Borovets, Bulgaria, September 10-12, 2003.
Sebastian van Delden. 2003. Learning WordNet-Based Classification Rules. In Proceedings of the 2003 AAAI Spring Symposium on Human Interaction with Autonomous Systems in Complex Environments. Pp 203-208. ISBN 1-57735-181-9. Stanford University, Stanford, California, March 24-26, 2003.
Sebastian van Delden. 2002. A Hybrid Approach to Pre-Conjunct Identification. In Proceedings of the 2002 Language Engineering Conference. Pp 72-77. University of Hyderabad, India. December 13-15, 2002.
Sebastian van Delden and Fernando Gomez. 2002. Combining Finite State Automata and a Greedy Learning Algorithm to Determine the Syntactic Role of Commas. In Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence. Washington, D.C. Pp 293-301. November 4-6, 2002.
Sebastian van Delden and Fernando Gomez. 2002. Retrieving NASA Problem Reports with Natural Language. In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems. Pp 150-159. Stockholm, Sweden. June 26-27, 2002.
Peer-Reviewed, Published Articles (Pedagogy)
Sebastian van Delden and Kuo-Pao Yang. 2014. Robotics Summer Camps as a Recruiting Tool: A Case Study. In the Journal of Computing Science in Colleges. Papers presented at the CCSC – Mid South Conference in Memphis, TN. Volume 29, Number 5, Pages 14-22, May 2014.
Sebastian van Delden. 2012. A Circular Model for Framing the Undergraduate Research Experience. In the Council of Undergraduate Research Quarterly. Volume 33, Issue 1, Page 40-52.
Sebastian van Delden. 2010. Getting Your Robotic Arms around Computing Curricula. In the Journal of Computers in Education. Published by the American Society for Engineering Education. Vol 1 (4). Pp 91-101. October-December issue.
Sebastian van Delden. 2010. Computer Science Meets Industrial Robotics: A Visual Servoing Project for a Computer Vision Course. In the Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges. vol 25(6). Pp 85-92. Select papers from the 15th Annual Northeast Meeting of the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges. Hartford University. April 2010.
Sebastian van Delden. 2010. Industrial Robotic Game Playing: An AI Course. In the Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges. vol 25(3). Pp 134-142. Select papers from the 25th Annual Eastern Meeting of the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges. Villanova University. January 2010.
Sebastian van Delden and Wei Zhong. 2008. Effective Integration of Autonomous Robots into an Introductory Computer Science Course: A Case Study. Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges. Select papers from the Sixth Meeting of the Consortium for Computing Science in Colleges. vol 23(4), Pp. 10-19, April 2008.
Notable Presentations
Presentation on Building Industry Partnerships in a Computer Science Program at Googlefest 2016, Charleston, SC. June 21-22, 2016.
Led Round-Table discussions at the USC Upstate College of Arts and Sciences’ Evening of Great Conversations. Fall 2011, Fall 2010, Spring 2007, Fall 2006, and Spring 2006.
Presented at the USC Upstate College of Arts and Sciences – Getting off to a Fast Start Series. Fall 2011, Fall 2010, Spring 2009, Spring 2008, and Fall 2004.
Fast Moving Technology Days Conference. Stäubli Corporation. Duncan, South Carolina. 2010 and 2006. Booth and presentation.
Computer Simulation: Training 21st Century Soldiers for Battle. USC Upstate Honors Program Fall 2007 Conversation Series. November 15, 2007.
Towards the Partial Calibration of an Eye-in-Hand Robotic Manipulator. Presented at the Third Annual USC Upstate Research Symposium. April 6, 2007.
MindStorm Robots in the Classroom. Presented at the Cool Technologies in the Classroom Workshop. USC Upstate. February 16, 2007.
A Visually Guided Part Grasping System. Presented at the 2006 USC Upstate Research Symposium. April 21, 2006.
Detecting Edges in Digital Images. Presented at the Guy Jacobson Mathematics Colloquium on February 24, 2005.
Undergraduate Research Assistant Presentations/Posters
Grace Chenevert. 2014. Finger Tip Tracking using the Microsoft Kinect. Presentation at the University of Louisiana System Academic Summit, Lafayette, LA. April 12, 2014.
Tanner Rhodus. 2012. Presentation of Microsoft Kinect research work to ABET Reaccreditation team during site visit.
Michael Umrysh and Sebastian van Delden. 2011. Initial Steps Towards Using Hand Gestures to Control a Robotic Arm. Presented at the Seventh Annual USC Upstate Research Symposium. April 15, 2011. ****Best Paper Award for “Math and Computer Science”.
Nicole Hodge and Sebastian van Delden. 2010. Contour Recovery using Structured Light mounted to a Robotic Manipulator. Poster at Discovery Day 2010, USC Columbia. April 23, 2010. ****Best Poster Award for “Computer Science and Engineering”
Nicole Hodge, Robert Mahmoudishad, Mark Parrish, and Sebastian van Delden. 2009. A Novel Robotic Approach to Contour Recovery using Structured Light. Presented at the Fifth Annual USC Upstate Research Symposium. March 27, 2009.
Derrick Thompson, Jose Reyes, and Sebastian van Delden. Spring 2007. Vision-Based Robots Playing Pong. Presented at the Third Annual USC Upstate Research Symposium. April 6, 2007.
William Bittle, Sayed Shahabi, Ashley Bryant and Sebastian van Delden. WOODBURNER: An Automated Robotic Character Etching System. Poster at the Second Annual USC Upstate Research Symposium. April 21, 2006.
Jacob Landon, Stephen van Dahm, Sebastian van Delden, Ed Nagelhout. Towards a Syntactically and Semantically Enhanced Corpus of Direct Mail Letters. First Annual USC Upstate Research Symposium. University of South Carolina Upstate. Spartanburg, South Carolina. April 22, 2005.
Shea Menge, Sebastian van Delden, and Ed Nagelhout. An Online Search Tool for a Philanthropic Discourse Corpus. First Annual USC Upstate Research Symposium. University of South Carolina Upstate. Spartanburg, South Carolina. April 22, 2005.