Addlestone Reference
Interactive Libraries and Librarianship
Library and Media & Media Issues
Public Performance Rights
- ASU Libraries Streaming Video Libguide
- ASU PPR LibGuide
- Public Performance rights in Academic Libraries (Paper -pdf)
- Guide to showing movies on campus (American Univ. Library)
- PPR FAQ and Definitions – John’s Hopkins Library Guide
- Video and Copyright – ALA factsheet
Featured Library Places
- Center for Digital Humanities, Univ of South Carolina
- DPLA: Digital Public Library of America
- UNC Library Media Resources Center
- NCSU Libraries Technology Sandbox
- NCSU Libraries Digital Media Lab
- Thode Library, McMaster University
- MIT Libraries
- Stanford Libraries
- San Marcos, California State University Libraries
- South Carolina Digital Library
Library Interest & Innovation
- How to Think Like a Start-UP: Inspiring Library Entrepreneuralism
- In the Library with the Leadpipe
- Against the Grain: Linking Publishers, Vendors and Librarians
- The Charleston Conference
- Willrein Community Library: Library Girl Song
- Library Website Hall of Fame
- Academic Library Autopsy Report 2050
- Libraries Are Screwed Part I (Eli Neiburger)
- Libraries Are Screwed Part II (Eli Neiburger)
- Library As Place: Changes in Learning Patterns, Technology and Use
- Library Design: Information Commons/ Learning Commons
Addlestone Reference Guides
- Getting Started with Library Research (JS)
- History (JS)
- Film Studies (JS)
- Media Studies (JS)
- Multimedia Resources for Research Content Creation (Van Arnham)
- Visualizing Data (JS)
- Searching the Web (JS)
Librarian and Library Field Blogs
- The Shifted Librarian
- The Unquiet Library
- Librarians Matter: Musing, enthusing, libraries, emerging technologies, balancing
Bibliographic Instruction
- Teachable Moments 2.0: Bibliographic Instruction in the Academic Library
- Information Literacy: resources for those that teach it
- Official Cephalonian Method Page
- Librarian’s weapon of mass instruction
- Clearinghouse of instruction materials (library classes): TU Libraries
- Discovery Skills vs Evaluation Skills
- League of Librarians Trading Cards
- Big Huge Labs
- Information Literacy Activities (UWM Libraries)
- Active Learning Techniques (Westfield State College)
- Making it their idea: The learning cycle in library instruction
Creating Instruction Video Tutorials
- Creating Short and Effective Outreach Videos (ASU): The Arizona State University Libraries’ fun Library Minute video series brings information about resource and services to a large student body. For the first time, we present a workshop walking through the entire production process from start to finish and offering suggestions on how to fit multimedia into your marketing and outreach strategy.
Library Humor
- Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry: Librarian Sketch
- The Lord of the Libraries
- Library Thriller
- Seinfeld Library Cop