Eportfolio Reflection

While designing my portfolio I really wanted to promote my writing so I chose the Pieria theme because, in the description of the theme, it said it was for displaying text. I wanted the homepage to be simple so then on the blog posts, I could have a lot of creativity with the design. I had a lot of fun reworking my essay about music because adding Spotify links that can play within the blog post made the essay super visual. That paper just worked really well within the blog format because I could also add the quote block to show the song verses. 

I liked creating the blog because although it’s supposed to be a place for other people to look at our work and possibly connect with us for a job or career, however, it acts as an archive for myself. I think the website shows the abilities I have as a writer and how I can write about many different subjects well. I chose pieces that demonstrate my academic writing ability, journalism work, and my creative writing. I wanted to show a wide variety of subjects that I am familiar with, such as films, music, and social justice.

I wish I had more time just to play with the website and come up with the best possible way to display my work. The mechanical aspects of the website are what I wish I had more time on. But overall, I think I did a good job of demonstrating the different types of writing I can do and what my plans are for the future.

My Eportfolio & Final Reflection

My vision for the English major revolves around a profound appreciation for the intricacies of language and literature, recognizing their enduring relevance in today’s world. Through my exploration of seminal works like Jean Rhys’ “Wide Sargasso Sea” and Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein,” I’ve discovered the profound impact literature can have in challenging societal norms and revealing universal truths. These projects exemplify how the English major cultivates critical thinking, empathy, and cultural awareness, essential skills for navigating our interconnected society.

In my analysis of “Wide Sargasso Sea,” I delved into the intricate relationship between characters and the exotic setting of Dominica, revealing the thematic depth that literature offers. By emphasizing the symbolic significance of the landscape, I demonstrated my ability to engage critically with texts and uncover layers of meaning. This project underscores how the English major equips individuals with the skills to analyze and appreciate diverse narratives, fostering a deeper understanding of the human experience.

Similarly, my exploration of nature in Shelley’s “Frankenstein” showcased the transformative power of literature in exploring the human condition. Through vivid descriptions, I explored themes of solitude, resilience, and the connection between humanity and nature, highlighting the interdisciplinary nature of the English major in addressing contemporary issues.

Furthermore, my interview with Professor Caroline Hunt provided valuable insights into the personal and academic journey of an esteemed member of the English department. Her story serves as a testament to the transformative power of perseverance, mentorship, and a passion for lifelong learning, values inherent in the English major.

Looking ahead, I aspire to merge my passion for language and literature with meaningful professional endeavors. The foundation established by my English major equips me with a versatile skill set that transcends disciplinary boundaries. The critical thinking, communication, and analytical skills honed through my coursework have prepared me for success in various fields, from academia to marketing. As I embark on this journey, I hope to leverage the transformative potential of literature to effect positive change in the world around me, whether through advocacy, education, or creative expression. In crafting my final portfolio and personal website, I aimed for a clean and minimalist design to showcase my skills and values effectively. While I am satisfied with the outcome, I wish I had more time to incorporate multimedia elements for enhanced user engagement. Overall, my portfolio reflects my journey as an English major and my commitment to lifelong learning and intellectual exploration.

My Eportfolio

EPortfolio Reflection Post

For my design, initially I went for a black background, but after experimenting with a few of my posts, I realized that I was not getting the feeling I wanted to convey with the portfolio. I wanted the tone to be warmer design-wise, so I went with a tan color and a lively but formal font. With making structural choices, I had a hard time figuring out what would look best where and how each post coincides with the other on each page. To find a solution, I looked at the examples that we looked at as a class and tried to remember what I initially thought of the ones that I remembered made an impact on me. 

With the artifact selection, I knew I wanted to display one of my fiction works because I plan to apply for a graduate creative writing program, and this would be a great way to get my work out in the career field somewhere. I found the artifact section of the ePortfolio hard only during the remix part of it because I had never created a poster from paper before. I am grateful for that experience, though, because it showed me that I am able to transform a piece of art into a whole new artform entirely without ruining or losing the original meaning of the artform. 

I feel that this website reflects how I value English literature, whether I am focusing on comparative or my fiction writing. This ePortfolio shows my creative ability to present my work on a different platform that is outside of an academic setting. I do wish I had more time on the general style and color of my website. While I thought the color style was better than the black tone I originally planned, I thought I could have found a better theme color that coincides with my work.

Self-Exploration Through the Flower Exercise: Unveiling the Layers Within

Field Report #2: “Flower Exercise”

In the pursuit of understanding ourselves, we often embark on journeys outward—exploring different fields, meeting diverse people, and seeking varied experiences. Yet, as I delved into the “Flower Exercise” from Richard N. Bolles’ What Color Is Your Parachute?, I found that the most profound and clarifying knowledge isn’t found in the external world; it resides within us. This second field report, focused on self-inventory across seven key areas, revealed layers of insights and challenges, ultimately bringing me closer to understanding my own multifaceted being.

The first petal of my flower, representing the kinds of people I prefer to be around, unveiled a tapestry of traits I value. I realized I am drawn to individuals who exhibit social intelligence and perception, those who warmly embrace inclusivity and welcome diverse viewpoints. Through this exercise, I recognized the importance of surrounding myself with visionaries in social change and innovation, individuals who challenge the status quo and inspire growth.

Moving to the petal concerning workplace conditions, I was confronted with my ideal professional environment. Guiding mentorship emerged as an essential element, as well as working alongside a diverse team and in a performance-driven culture. The image of a relaxed attire policy and the option to bike or walk to the office painted a vivid picture of a workplace where creativity and comfort converge.

The skills and competencies petal brought forth a realization of my strengths and areas of expertise. From motivating others towards common goals to developing strategic plans, I acknowledged my proficiency in critical thinking and problem-solving. However, the challenge lay in recognizing the importance of ongoing learning and professional development, reminding me of the ever-evolving nature of success.

As I reflected on the knowledge petal, I embraced my passion for cultural and historical understanding, alongside staying informed about global events. Creative writing and storytelling emerged as a central theme, highlighting my desire to engage in philosophical and ethical discussions that shape narratives and perspectives.

The settings and geographies petal took me on a visual journey, envisioning an ideal location. Close to family in Charleston, near water, and within a medium-sized town’s vibrant downtown, I found a sense of rootedness and vitality. These elements, coupled with an easy commute, formed the backdrop of an environment where I could thrive.

Considering the money and responsibility petal, I grappled with the balance between financial stability and meaningful contribution. While recognizing the need for a fair compensation structure, my sense of purpose emerged as a guiding force. To help others, contribute to good in the world, and advance humanity became the compass directing my choices.

Finally, the core of my flower, my sense of purpose in life, illuminated the essence of my existence. Through this exercise, I articulated my deep-seated desire to contribute to kindness in the world, fostering a sense of empathy and compassion in all endeavors.

This intensive self-inventory was both illuminating and challenging. It allowed me to peel back the layers of my being, revealing intricate details and guiding principles that shape my choices and aspirations. The process was not without its struggles; confronting areas of growth and acknowledging vulnerabilities required courage. Yet, in this journey of self-discovery, I found empowerment and clarity.

As I invite you, the audience, into this reflective space, I share the essence of my flower—a symbol of my inner landscape. Each petal represents not only facets of myself but also aspirations for the future. The challenges faced in this exercise mirrored the complexities of navigating life’s choices and priorities. Yet, through introspection and reflection, I stand rooted in a deeper understanding of who I am and where I aim to go.

The Scariest Flower

Intimidation doesn’t even begin to describe how I felt looking at Robert Boyles’s ‘Flower Exercise’ from his book “What Color is Your Parachute?” Besides intimidation, I began with a positive attitude; I wanted this exercise to achieve something. I wanted to be able to unfold myself and benefit from this experience, but it was hard to have to sit there and think about yourself and eventually describe who you are. 

A large portion of my alumni profile interview was very helpful and personal to me specifically because I felt like Mary Alice Miller understood the fear of graduating as well. We talked a lot about the plethora of options there are once school is over, and how overwhelming it can be. I’m afraid of missing out or choosing wrong (what could be wrong? Who is judging? Only me, really.) I care about so many different things and concepts. I want to try so much, but it’s hard to narrow down what I’m exactly looking for. 

Beginning this exercise, there were a few petals that were easier for me to do such as ‘Geography,’ ‘People’ or who I would like to work with, and ‘Work Conditions.’ I’ve always known that I would thrive in a city; I enjoy the buzz of life. Since I’ve lived in South Carolina my whole life, I’m ok with the idea of moving and expanding my horizons for a job. Petals 3 and 4 were a little tougher for me to do because I felt as if my transferable skills were very limited. Even though we’ve worked throughout this Capstone to give alternative names to the skills that we’ve acquired as English Majors–specifically looking at “You Can Do Anything” by George Anders–however, I still feel like mine are all very academic based and limited. 

Either my skills or my experience, I felt, is all limited to the academic field, but what else is there? I have been in school for the past 16 years, so it makes sense that a lot of my projects and activities are centered around school. Or my skills felt random or out of place. I spent three summers in high school as a summer camp counselor at Camp Gravatt in Aiken, SC. Parts of me feel like this time was silly, but realistically I learned so many leadership, organizational, and teamwork skills. 

My campers and me, circa 2018

Part of Boyle’s methods for the job search and finding a career for ones’ self is practicing kindness toward yourself. “…feeling helpless is a state of mind that you can change. It starts by recognizing that if anyone has the power to make changes in your life, it is you” (27). Realistically, I have just started my career journey and I am not the perfect candidate right now. I cannot expect myself to be. Reading this book was a reminder that I have to be gentler with myself. 

I expected to not have a good time doing petal 7 “Purpose in Life,” but I was pleasantly surprised by this part of the exercise. A large portion of the petal felt very grounding. It was like a reminder of who I am and what I believe in. It was nice to be reminded of the values that I appreciate and look for in life, even if I have a hard time incorporating them into my career. The questions and values Boyles brought up were extremely helpful in centering me and what I want out of life. 

Similar to petal 3, petal 4 “Knowledges” made me feel silly, despite it being something I could easily fill out. At times I felt like the things that I know about such as Pop Culture and TV and movies aren’t necessarily transferable skills, but they’re what I love. 

I, 2023, work with kids, even though I don’t plan on pursuing a career involving kids.

We talked a lot in my literary publishing class about how working in the book industry is about apprenticing and learning while on the job. Publishing, editing, and writing are some of the last jobs where apprenticeship is extremely important and it’s one of the best ways to learn. A lot of my early career might be waiting and learning. Doing this exercise has shown me I need to have faith in what I know and all my experiences have given me useful skills. This next chapter of my life will be a practice in patience, but I’ll be rewarded with knowledge.

An Interview of Unreasonable Conversation with Mary Alice Miller

 In his book “What Color is Your Parachute,” Richard N. Bolles writes that “storytelling is one of the most powerful techniques you can use in a job interview. Stories are memorable and illuminating…think about stories that illustrate [your] skills, knowledge, and personality traits.” This mirrors advice College of Charleston alumna Mary Alice Miller often gives to clients of her storytelling advisory—thought-leaders, artists, entertainers, politicians, and more who solicit her for collaborations on stage and screen, in print, online, and elsewhere. 

“A great story opens up worlds previously unknown even to ourselves,” Miller says from Costa Rica, where she has just worked with a client, the renowned psychotherapist, Esther Perel, on an immersive retreat and the content for Perel’s upcoming live tour. Miller’s next stop is Los Angeles for “A Day of Unreasonable Conversation,” a social impact conference which demonstrates dialogue on the most pressing issues of our time. The invitation-only audience consists of 500 top Hollywood screenwriters, showrunners, and network executives. Miller is the executive director of editorial and programming for the whole event.

Miller entered the College of Charleston in 2008 during America’s worst financial crisis. Against well-meaning advice, she double-majored in English and Fine Arts with three concentrations. She chose extracurriculars that didn’t obviously translate to job prospects but deepened her storytelling skills. She hosted a radio show, became president of the English Club, “Literati,” and worked as a campus tour guide. 

Storytelling is an influential skill that many humanities majors have, but as one approaches graduation, the prevailing story we tell ourselves is often one of distress. It can even feel like lying. This is how Miller felt while preparing her commencement speech to the 2012 class. “It was really intense having to hold two truths with equanimity; I’m so proud to be in this position but I also feel unqualified to be telling anyone what to do or how to be right now,” she said.

Filled with doubt, fear, and anticipatory grief, she turned to the English Department for support. Two professors gave feedback on her drafts. Fellow English club members helped her rehearse. “In the afternoon ceremony, the English Department was seated right by me at the podium. So much of being able to give that speech had to do with their support.”

Fresh-faced out of college, Miller began working at Condé Nast for Vanity Fair. “People ask if my job was like ‘The Devil Wears Prada.’ Sometimes it was.” Miller worked on long-form investigative stories, art and design features, cultural and political op-eds, books, conference programming, and special projects such as documentaries and art exhibitions. “I worked there for nearly a decade and received a phenomenal education,” she says, not regretting the decision to forego journalism school. “Magazines are a hard business, even more so now, but I will always love them and the people who make them,” she says.

“The media industry has been undergoing massive transformation and there is no journalist who hasn’t experienced trauma associated with that,” says Miller. “I’m sure that makes it really hard for aspiring journalists. The path has changed but that’s not inherently a bad thing.” Starting in 2018, Miller witnessed six rounds of company-wide layoffs at Condé Nast. “I saw some of the greatest American magazine editors in every department get told to empty their offices by 5 pm; it was brutal,” she says. “I got the call two months into the pandemic, in lockdown, surrounded by death and sirens. It was one of the worst moments of my life.” 

The pandemic caused devastating effects on Miller, including the loss of her home. “The security of corporate publishing had been an illusion for a while, but I was forced to wake up to it. And in this waking life, I felt a new and unprecedented autonomy and hope.” She began publishing articles in WIRED and New York Magazine, and could finally say yes to people who reached out asking if she was available to edit their book or produce a podcast together. Some were people she had already worked with, such as the photographer Mark Seliger, with whom she has written two books, a short film, and commercial work. Others were “professional blind dates” set up by friends.

George Anders talks a lot about the power of networking especially within your alumni community in “You Can Do Anything.” “Your greatest allies: thousands of alumni from your college understand what little-known fields are booming, who is hiring, where you can get an interview, and how to get a job” (203). Miller hopes aspiring storytellers who are about to become fellow CofC alumni know they are welcome in her network.

Many people assume that there are limited job opportunities for someone who has a degree in English, or the opportunities are lackluster, but Miller proves this wrong. “I fell ass-backwards into entrepreneurship, much like my parents, who warned me that starting your own business is not an easier path, but it is so worth it.”

Graduating means moving into a cloud of uncertainty. For storytellers, the challenges in modern media–including the impact of artificial intelligence–are enough to make English majors wonder if they chose the right field of study. Whether your fears are technological-based or rooted in insecurity, Miller argues that your abilities can work for you. “A.I. is fantastic for so many things, including quickly gathering information and arranging it in legible sentences, and it is only going to get better. But it is not you. Even trained on your writing, you are the writer. It’s good to cultivate confidence around your style, about the way you talk, about how you create. People need storytellers, every industry needs storytellers, humanity needs storytellers,” she says, driving home that integrity, quality, curiosity, and confidence in your work are your greatest assets. 

The graduating class of 2024 should find solace in Miller’s experiences; through uncontrollable circumstances, Miller has made a rockstar life for herself. “Since many of the traditional frameworks have changed so drastically, you may be asking yourself what you’re supposed to do with all these skills,” she says. “Your skills as an English major are applicable to so many industries. Sometimes it just looks like making your own path.”

Alumni Profile: Carey Ann Campbell

Field Report #1: ​​Alumni Profile

Carey Ann Campbell, Chief Executive Officer at Southern Tide

Carey Campbell, an accomplished Chief Executive Officer, currently holds the helm at Southern Tide, a national apparel company inspired by the coastal lifestyle. With a wealth of experience garnered from previous roles at both Southern Tide and Belk, Mrs. Campbell brings a dynamic skill set and a deep understanding of the retail industry that helps her lead her team with empathy.

In the bustling landscape of retail and leadership, Carey Ann Campbell stands out as a beacon of inspiration and success. With Bachelor’s degree in English Language and Literature/Letters, her educational background speaks volumes about her proficiency in communication, critical analysis, and creative thinking. Her career trajectory is a testament to the enduring value of a liberal arts education, coupled with a wealth of industry experience.

Mrs. Campbell, the esteemed CEO of Southern Tide, attributes much of her remarkable success and professional growth to the invaluable support of her professional network, mentors, and industry leaders. Drawing from her own experiences, Mrs. Campbell emphasizes the pivotal role that mentors have played in her career trajectory. This influence has led her to become a dedicated mentor herself, paying forward the guidance and wisdom she has received.

A firm believer in the mantra “Nothing’s too big!”, Carey Ann Campbell encourages individuals to share their aspirations openly with their network. She believes that by articulating one’s goals, whether they seem grand or ambitious, one can harness the collective power of their network to achieve these objectives. This philosophy underscores Mrs. Campbell’s approach to both her personal and professional life, where open communication and collaboration have been instrumental in her success.

Known for her natural curiosity and insatiable appetite for learning, Mrs. Campbell embarked on the path to becoming the CEO of Southern Tide with determination and a hunger for growth. Her relentless pursuit of knowledge and willingness to seek guidance from mentors have been central to her journey to the top of the corporate ladder.

In George Anders’ book “You Can Do Anything,” he proposes that “your greatest allies [are] thousands of alumni from your college who can assist you at each stage of your journey.” In our digitally connected world, regardless of location, we are closer than ever to “a network of career allies.” In my discussion with Mrs. Campbell, I discovered that her resourcefulness played a pivotal role in shaping her career. With her innate curiosity and eagerness for continuous learning, she cultivated relationships with mentors and embraced “a willingness to seek assistance.” She attributes her achievements to the mentors who guided her through various stages of her professional endeavors. As Anders outlines in his book, “You simply need to take the initiative and become comfortable with seeking out new connections.” My conversation with Mrs. Campbell affirmed the truth in this statement!

Her advice to young professionals aspiring to leadership roles is simple yet profound: “Share those goals because people want to help you get there.” This guidance reflects her belief in the power of mentorship and the supportive nature of professional networks. By vocalizing ambitions and seeking guidance, individuals can tap into a wealth of knowledge and experience that can propel them towards their desired outcomes.

In her role as CEO, Carey Ann Campbell not only leads with strategic vision but also embodies the essence of an English major. Her passion for language and storytelling, honed during her studies, continues to drive success in unexpected ways. From crafting compelling narratives for the brand to fostering a culture of creativity and innovation, Mrs. Campbell’s background in English has been a guiding force in her leadership style.

Carey Ann Campbell’s journey from an English student at the College of Charleston to a visionary CEO is a testament to the enduring value of an English education. Her story showcases how the skills cultivated through the study of literature—such as critical thinking, communication, and creativity—can serve as a strong foundation for success in the business world and beyond. Mrs. Campbell’s career trajectory exemplifies the transformative power of mentorship, the importance of sharing goals, and the lasting impact of a passion for lifelong learning.

In Today’s News

Mrs. Campbell serves as

A distinguished alumni and current president-elect for the COFC Club representing the Greenville/Upstate area. (Souce)

Mrs. Campbell participated in the annual Women in Retail Leadership Summit (WIRLS), a C-Suite Panel, which brings together industry leaders to discuss topics such as the current business environment, how they’re positioning their businesses to succeed, and what they’re doing to empower the next generation of women leaders. (Source)

As a USC Retailing Executive Advisory Board member, Mrs. Campbell shares advice with Retailing students.


Embracing the Power of Literature and Humanities in Today’s World: My English Journey Amidst the Pandemic

Blog Post 4: My English Story: Personal-Professional Narrative

As I reflect on my college journey, I am struck by the myriad of challenges and opportunities that have shaped my path through the humanities, particularly English literature, during the tumultuous years of the global pandemic. These past few years have been a testament to resilience, adaptability, and the enduring importance of literary study in navigating the complexities of the world around us. 

My journey into English literature began with a passion for storytelling and a curiosity about the human experience. Each course, from delving into the works of 18th-century British writers to unraveling the complexities of postcolonial literature, offered me a unique lens through which to view the world. Engaging in critical discourse, dissecting narratives, and analyzing language became more than just academic exercises; they were gateways to understanding the intricacies of society, culture, and identity. 

In my senior year, I took a course in British Gothic Literature, where I read Diane Long Hoeveler’s book, Gothic Feminism: The Professionalization of Gender from Charlotte Smith to the Brontës. I wrote a paper exploring how gothic feminism evolved under the creative achievements of female gothic writers and considered how their literary work contributed to the modern definition of feminism. Female gothic articulated women’s dissatisfactions with patriarchal society and addressed the problematic position of the maternal within that society. This journey provided invaluable insights into the evolution of contemporary roles, concepts, and anticipations, drawing parallels between historical models and current societal debates. By immersing myself in the historical context of the female gothic genre, I recognized the enduring legacy of these literary works in shaping our understanding of gender dynamics and power structures. 

Furthermore, the interdisciplinary exploration of British Gothic Literature, particularly through the lens of Gothic Feminism, illuminates the enduring relevance of the English major in contemporary society. By delving into Hoeveler’s examination of the professionalization of gender in the works of female gothic writers, I gained insights into historical literary movements and a deeper understanding of societal norms and challenges. This immersion in thick data allowed me to grasp the evolution of feminist discourse and its impact on modern definitions of feminism. The interdisciplinary approach, integrating literature, history, and gender studies, exemplifies the versatile skills cultivated through an English major. Through the analysis of how female gothic writers navigated patriarchal challenges and articulated women’s dissatisfactions with societal norms, I developed a nuanced understanding of the complexities inherent in our cultural fabric. This understanding equips me to engage with current debates and anticipate future issues, underscoring the practical applications of the English major. Thus, this research journey contributes to a shared understanding of feminism’s historical roots and reaffirms the English major’s capacity to foster critical analysis, synthesis of diverse perspectives, and effective communication of complex ideas in navigating contemporary societal challenges. 

In Christian Madsbjerg’s book, Sensemaking: The Power of the Humanities in the Age of the Algorithm, the first principle of sensemaking, “culture–not individuals,” highlights the fact that understanding human behavior requires cultural intelligence. This is because “our reality–and everything we perceive as meaningful–is highly contextual and historical.” This principle articulates the value of understanding historical and social contexts and the importance of cultivating cultural intelligence to gain insights into human behavior. Furthermore, this concept of “culture–not individuals” contradicts the prevailing assumption of our algorithmic age “that human behavior is based on individual choices, preferences, and logical structures” because, as Madsbjerg argues, humans are defined by the society in which they live, and understanding human behavior requires a demanding form of cultural engagement. 

As an English major, I have regularly engaged in sensemaking. Resilience, adaptability, and the enduring significance of literary study have been foundational to my growth and development, particularly amidst the challenges posed by the global pandemic. From the outset, my fascination with storytelling and the exploration of the human experience propelled me into the realm of English literature. Through critical discourse and the analysis of language, these academic pursuits transcended mere intellectual exercises, serving as gateways to deeper understandings of society, culture, and identity. In Grobman and Ramsey’s chapter titled “Beyond Jobs and Careers: The Enduring Value of the Humanities,” the authors contend that the humanities “emphasize critical thinking and imagination while helping us remember where we’ve been as well as visualize our future.” The breadth of the humanities equips students with “higher-order” thinking they take into their careers and communities. Higher-order thinking and cultural understanding “are as vital as technological expertise in a world of big data and algorithms” because humanities perspectives are needed “to help steer technology to help us do what is valuable and good.”

As I look towards my future in English, I am filled with a sense of optimism and purpose. I envision a future where the insights and skills honed through my humanities education are not just valued but embraced as essential pillars of a sustainable and equitable society. Whether pursuing a career in academia, publishing, or public service, I am committed to leveraging my passion for literature to effect positive change in the world around me. 

In conclusion, my English journey amidst the pandemic has been a testament to the enduring power of literature to inspire, challenge, and transform. As I embark on the next chapter of my life, I carry with me the lessons learned, the connections forged, and the unwavering belief in the potential of literary study to shape a more just and compassionate world. Another quote taken from Madsjberg’s book Sensemaking is that “Instead of attempting to reduce that complexity of all of these layers of humanity — like a journey determined by the reductions of a GPS system– the sensemaking practice follows that North Star.” We learn “to navigate through the rich reality of our world, developing a finely honed perspective on where we are and where we are headed.” In times of crisis and uncertainty, it is literature that lights the way forward, illuminating our shared humanity and reminding us of the boundless possibilities that lie ahead. Much like literature, “sensemaking allows us to determine where we are. And, most important, sensemaking puts us in touch with where we are headed.” 

Pirates Don’t Cry

I remember the first time I was embarrassed by my emotions. It was second grade, and I was crying, because I couldn’t play the recorder correctly in music class. I sobbed and sobbed, getting snot all in the reed, while everyone else played “Hot Cross Buns” with semi-proficiency and I failed, even after the third attempt. It wasn’t that devastating–it’s just a plastic recorder–but I wanted to be good. 

I never seemed to grow out of my emotions. Or grow into them, as they always seem too big, too much for me and the people around me. My emotions affected everything I did and surrounded myself with. All I felt was loud and would be felt by everyone around me which became embarrassing and made me more upset. I found solace in books like most introverted, emotional people do. I loved feeling the emotions of a character; stepping into their life and nesting in their brain. As I grew those emotions turned into stubbornness, something I could use.

George Anders’s book “You Can Do Anything” asks you to not limit yourself when thinking about a career path. He has many statistics to prove that you can get a very ‘unconventional’ job with a humanities degree or the plethora of new jobs being created. Anders uses the Hamilton Project to show that in a lifetime, English majors are in the top ten highest earners.

But because there’s so much to choose from as an English major, I don’t exactly know what I want. Sometimes I think to myself, Am I too stubborn to pick a career? Am I afraid of missing out in another field? Everything seems important and impactful and seems like something I could see myself doing. So how do I choose? “Employers start with an unusually elastic sense of what skills and past experience they might want…employers become much more willing to hire on the basis of passion and potential” (Anders, 83).  There are times when being emotional is not a good thing to be, but more often than not, it’s one of my greatest strengths.

In my junior year at the College of Charleston, I took a class on significant American film genres-the Western, screwball comedy, and the musical. During this period, I started to wonder about the pirate film (I wanted to know if this subgenre would be considered a type of Western).

I later learned was actually called the Swashbuckler genre and it puzzled me that the only popular pirate films were the Pirates of the Caribbean (2003-2017). I quickly learned that there was a long history to this genre, yet there was very little research done on the subject. My professor even gave me the option of switching topics, but there was enough information out there to inspire and drive me.

The Ice Pirates (1984), one of the most 80s movies I’ve ever seen.

It would be a lie if I said that the idea of an under-researched genre being my paper topic didn’t excite me, but I was simultaneously terrified; what if I just set myself up for failure? Had my ambition gotten the best of me? This is when I felt as if my emotions worked against me.

As I worked on the project, I had to establish priorities of what questions I could answer with the research available to me. Writing this paper was more about strategy compared to previous essays I had encountered. Any embarrassment or insecurity about my unfamiliarity with the subject had to disappear. My confidence in what I could do was far greater than my uncertainty, and yes, I feared I was in over my head, but I could still use my tenacity as a positive force. 

Though a lot of the time it isn’t an asset, my stubbornness and grit will aid me in the future with more difficult projects, people, and situations. Some would say I’m too passionate about what I like and am interested in, but it makes my passion bleed through the page (or at least I hope it does.) When I’m approached with a challenging project, my passion drives me through it.

Richard Bolles said in his book “What Color is Your Parachute,” “The difference is enthusiasm and passion. Yours. You’re much more attractive to employers when you’re on fire” (73). If employers want passion I’ve got it; it’s just a matter of finding where to apply myself. Although the project I used as an example is English major-oriented it taught me that you can do a lot with a little. 

In the end, I was extremely proud of what I did for my film class. I synthesized so many ambiguous pieces of information and still made a clear and substantial argument. At times, my emotions feel like a waste of energy, but when I can channel them into a project I can actually create something. Even though I consider myself a creature of habit, I completely changed my strategy and approach to this project, using my stubbornness to enable flexibility and I still met the deadline with these challenges. I was very uncertain about working with so little and so much unknown, but Anders points out, “Your liberal arts education has taught you to move forward as a researcher in the face of ambiguity…you can adapt to a changing environment” (109). 

My ability to chameleon to what is needed was something I had in myself since I was young, but I think it’s been honed by majoring in English. A lot of this is due to my effortless empathy. So many of my skills are not specific to what we do in English classes, but malleable to multiple careers and it’s taken all four years of college for me to realize that. My passion and want to pursue life is my greatest strength; it’s fed by all the literature I read, the ideas I absorb, and my need for creation and connections between people. I still can’t play an instrument to save my life, but if I ever do I’ll probably cry yet this time I won’t be embarrassed about it.