Personal Reflection

I would first like to say I very much enjoyed being in class with you all and would like to thank Professor Seaman for a great semester.

As someone not graphic-design inclined (nice rhyme) I was not too selective in regards to the way my website looked. My favorite color is green so I chose the color green. In thinking about the structural aspect I just based it upon what I thought looked good. I hope it did.

For my artifacts I decided to choose the three pieces I thought I did well on throughout my career at Charleston. In looking back, I wish I better thought out how they attribute to my exact skills rather than looking for how well they perform comparatively to my work. In doing so I would probably pick things that are more musically inclined or close to the analyzation of music.

Going on the thought process of improving I think I could work better on the overall layout of my e-portfolio. I have friends that are more artistically inclined, so I wish I cooresponded closely with them in regard to the aesthetic portion of my portfolio.

Additionally, my website must have not saved properly as my blog post section and linkedin were not included during my presentation, but I will read those soon.

I further wish I had more ~professional~ photos of me, but that is more of a personal thing than directly pertaining to my portfolio. I do believe it would help my portfolio look better.

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