E-Portfolio Review

In my e-portfolio, I’ve created a space to showcase the works I’ve created during my time at the College of Charleston. The theme and color scheme of my website are a direct reflection of my affinity for black-and-white photography. As both an English and photography student, I’m naturally inclined towards simplistic, traditional, and stripped-down expressions, which I’ve translated into the overall look and feel of my site. 

I’ve not only emphasized a diverse array of works completed during my time at the college but have also highlighted my extensive portfolio of photography from this period. Writing and photography have been lifelong passions of mine, making their integration into this portfolio particularly meaningful.

Within the website, I’ve curated six literary pieces from courses I’ve taken at the College of Charleston. My first artifact is an essay on motherhood from my ENGL 299 class, chosen to represent traditional academic essays. The second is my rewriting of Alexander Pope’s The Rape of the Lock. What I enjoyed about this piece is that it was more creative than a typical paper, but I also changed its medium for English Day by making it a poster and presenting it that way. The third artifact is a poem I wrote for a poetry class, which I wanted to include because it is poetry that really got me into studying English and was the first literary medium that I began writing myself at 10 years old.

The fourth is a philosophy paper I wrote. I thought including this would be interesting, as it is still an academic paper, but it is written in a completely different context and writing style. The fifth is a close reading paper I wrote about Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye. I wanted to include this because I presented it at an academic conference and thought the script I made from my essay would be an interesting interpretation of my work. Finally, the sixth is another close reading paper on two poems for a romantic class. I wanted to include this because it is still a traditional-looking paper but is more of a close reading in a more creative context.

For this website, I think that I spent a lot of time on each individual page. I wanted to ensure that it was easy to follow but also really interesting to look at. If there was anything I feel like I can improve, it is that I feel I might have gone overboard in my work summaries. I am not sure if I should have made these shorter, but I wanted to give context for why everything is included. Overall, I really loved this assignment. Mostly because it is exciting to have all of my work in one place, particularly my photography.

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