Author Archives: Myra Seaman
Visiting Speaker Qiana Whitted: Wed 1 Oct 6:30
Inspired by O’Connor: Thurs 2 Oct 6:30pm
Student Voter Registration: 1 Oct 10am-2pm
Yates, “Agentive Drift” [T 30 Sept]
Yates presents a range of perspectives on the 1597 event he’s re-considering and re-telling. What is the orange’s perspective? Does agentive drift seem to have much in common with Bennett’s approach, or do you see meaningful differences between the two?
Ian Bogost video essay “Seeing Things”
chapter on “Subjectivity” (R Aug 21)
The “Subjectivity” chapter of The Theory Toolbox (a book commonly used in ENGL 299) spends time discussing the self and the subject (among other things). According to the explanation offered in the chapter, does a “self” actually exist?
Marie de France’s *Guigemar* (R Aug 21)
Marie de France’s narrative *Guigemar* surprises some readers by being much more morally ambiguous than they expect. If another reader of the poem expressed such a response to you, what might you say in reply?
Welcome to Medieval Object Ecologies!
I hope you’ll take a look around the course blog and get yourself familiarized, and I look forward to seeing you in our first class meeting on the 19th! The course schedule, description (“Our course” in the blog menu) and syllabus (“Policies” in the blog menu) are posted, and there you’ll see that most of our coursework will be done here on the blog site–but with papers submitted, and related comments and grades posted, in OAKS. [I will send out an email to the class indicating the password for protected pages, such as the schedule. If you don’t receive one , email me and let me know.]
Please note that we will be using 5 texts this semester, and that 2 of those are available free online, so you may choose to use those electronically.
Feel free, please, to contact me with any questions that might arise before the first day.