Welcome to ENGL 361 and WGST 322: Medieval Feminism!

Get yourself acquainted with the way I’ve structured the course by investigating the course blog. Here you should be able to find enough to give you an impression of the class before the semester begins January 8. In the course description (“our course” in the blog menu) and syllabus (“policies” and “schedule” in the blog menu), you’ll see that most of our coursework will be done here on the blog site—but with formal writing submitted, and related comments and grades posted, in OAKS. Take a look around, get familiarized, and feel free, please, to contact me with any questions that might arise before the first day: seamanm[at]cofc.edu.

Because I will be away at a badly-timed conference the first week of the semester, our first class meeting on Thursday, Jan 9 will be virtual. I have produced a video for you to watch instead, where I will introduce the course, walk you through the syllabus, and will provide you some activities to the start things off. All of this you should do on Jan 9 if not before. On Tuesday, Jan 14, we will meet in our usual classroom and will leap into discussion of the first items on the schedule. I’ll explain all of that on the first-day video, which I will email you about directly, once it is ready for viewing.

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