Discuss the importance of Caliban, Trinculo, and Stephano. What is the significance of their stations in life? How do they compare to the major characters in the play (i.e, Prospero, Alonso, Antonio, and Sebastian)?
March 3: The Tempest
Miranda and her father, Prospero, witnessed the storm that caused the shipwreck during Act I, Scene I. Miranda questions her father and accuses him of causing the storm in the ocean. Why does Prospero start the storm and how is he able to create a storm in the first place?
March 1: Sidney and Personification
In many of his sonnets, Sidney personifies concepts such as “Love,” “Desire,” and “Virtue.” What is the effect of personifying these ideas? Does it emphasize the effects of emotions of the speaker? Does it elevate the importance of the concept to that of a universal truth? Or does it shift the source of the emotions from the speaker to an origin outside of the speaker, reducing him to a more passive role?
Shakespeare and Time
Discuss the themes of time and immortality in Shakespeare’s sonnets. What do these sonnets suggest how Shakespeare’s views about time?
March 1: Shakespeare’s Sonnets
As we learned in the introduction to Shakespeare’s sonnets, there is much speculation as to who the sonnets are addressed to, and whether or not they are addressed to a male lover or a female. Where in the sonnets can you see evidence of this cause for speculation?
February 25th: Sir Thomas Wyatt and his reflections in poetry.
As noted in the introductory materials, Sir Thomas Wyatt experienced a variety of ups and downs in his life from serving as a valued member in King Henry’s court to serving a prison sentence in the Tower of London. In what ways does his poetry reflect the ups and downs experienced in his life? Is there a dominant tone in his poetry, or does his poetry reveal some sort of ambivalence consistent with his life’s experiences?
February 25th: Courtly Love and the Early Modern Lyric
Our textbook claims, “The influence of Petrarch’s sonnet sequence, about his unfulfilled love for Laura, was immense, and provided European love poets with a way to shape the erotic experience in terms of frustration, self-scrutiny, self-division, praise, and longing and to express this through elaborate metaphor, paradox, and an intense focus on detail.” How do the tradition of courtly love and the influences of Petrarch present themselves within the early sonnets of Wyatt, Surrey, Daniel, and Drayton? In other words, how do these poets portray love and the idea of courtship? How are their portrayals similar to or different from Petrarch’s?
Feb 18: The Second Shepherd’s Play
Throughout the play, the “Wakefield Master” uses many anachronisms, or attributes belonging to a period other than that in which it is currently being employed. For example, the second shepherd refers to “him that died for us all,” and the first shepherd makes note of “the rood” (107, 185). What is the purpose of making these conspicuous references? How do they relate to the contrast between the absurdly comedic beginning of the story versus the traditional, biblical ending of the play describing when they first see Christ?
February 18: The Second Shepherds’ Play
In lines 540-544, the wife talks about “eating the child that lies in the cradle.” Why is this statement comedic/ironic? How does this proposed “eating of the child” relate to transubstantiation in the tradition of communion in church (with the “child” in the cradle in Mak and Gill’s house, in a rather comedic manner, symbolizing Jesus)?
February 16: Margery Kempe’s Book 1
Margery’s writing reveals how spirituality is centered in her life. What do you find to be significant about her and her work? How does she make her spiritual experiences physical and make her physical experiences spiritual? She seems to often suffer for Christ; what is Margery’s relationship with suffering (whether it be her own or her views on the suffering of others)?