What can be interpreted from the Pardoner’s ability to tell an effective moral tale while himself being guilty of the sins he condemns? How do you believe we are supposed to interpret the Pardoner’s offer (904) of salvation in return for money or precious items?
Monthly Archives: March 2018
Mar 8: Franklin’s Tale
There are recurring themes in the Franklin’s Tale involving pledges, promises, freedom and submission. Most of the characters are bound to each other in some capacity. Compare and contrast a relationship between characters who seem to engage with one or more of these themes. In what ways do they show this?
March 6th : Wife of Bath
In class, we often discuss how each character’s prologue influences their tale, or position it as a reflection of their beliefs. How is the Wife of Bath’s Tale related (or unrelated) to her ideas about the perfect marriage or just marriage in general?
Mar. 1: Dinshaw, “‘Glose Bele Chose’: The Wife of Bath and Her Glossators”
How does what Dinshaw describes of the way medieval glossing worked help her to interpret the Wife of Bath’s performance in the Prologue? What is the interpretation Dinshaw comes up with as a result?