This tale really differs from the Reeve’s Tale in a lot of ways. For some reason, I see the more contrasts between these two consecutive tales than I have between any of the other two. I saw this in the way women work as players in this tale, but also in the places that the Man of Law’s tale seems to place the most value.
While the Knight’s Tale valued chivalry, and the Miller’s tale valued cleverness, this tale places it’s values within the realm of Christianity. Religion is a big part of this tale, overall, and the strongest characters also have very strong religious roots. The characters who stick by their religious beliefs are rewarded. The focus doesn’t seem to be on what one stakes their beliefs in, but rather, how loyal they are to those beliefs. We see this when Lady Constance (hmmmm…) survives the Sulton’s mother’s massacre while all of the converted Christians are killed.