Former president of DuPont Performance Polymers Diane Gulyas will visit the College of Charleston School of Business as this semester’s George G. Spaulding Distinguished Executive Speaker.
The event, which will be held Thursday, Mar. 16, 2017 at 8:15 a.m. in the Wells Fargo Auditorium of the Beatty Center, is an opportunity for Gulyas to meet with students, faculty and members of the Charleston community and discuss the insights she’s gleaned from her 36 years leading one of the world’s largest chemical corporations.
Gulyas plans to highlight the importance of intrapreneurs, or individuals within a company that are willing to take risks to solve problems, and debunk the myth that only start-up companies value both intra- and entrepreneurship. In her experience, big corporations want and need more innovative thinkers.
A firm believer in the power of personal brand, Gulyas will also speak to why job seekers should invest in themselves. “It is important for entrepreneurs to develop their brand identity because employers are investing in the person as much as they are investing in his or her skills and ideas,” she says.
The presentation will conclude with tips for having a fulfilling career. Gulyas’ secret to success: finding joy in her work.
Prior to retiring from DuPont in April 2014, Gulyas was responsible for guiding and expanding the growth and profitability of the global organization by providing customers, particularly in the automotive, packaging, construction and consumer durables markets, with high-performance polymer, resin and film materials. She served various executive and managerial roles within the company prior to her station as president.
Gulyas is now a full-time professional board director.