Charleston School of Business Faculty & Staff Updates


Your Voice Matters

Have you completed the Great Colleges to Work For survey being conducted by Modern Think? If not, please do. You should have received an email with a unique link for you. The survey helps CofC make progress on Pillar 3 (Employee Success). When we know better, we can do better.

Headshot Day in the Cistern Yard

Do you need new headshot in front of a beautiful CofC background? Mike Ledford, our college photographer, is holding headshot day in the Cistern Yard on Thursday, April 6, from 4-6 p.m. Headshots are good for… updating your faculty/staff bio page on the website and LinkedIn submitting to media when you’re interviewed accompanying your bio…

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REMINDER: Great Colleges to Work For Survey

The deadline to complete the Great Colleges to Work For survey is March 31. The information gathered serves as a great opportunity to assess the climate of our campus. The data we gather will help inform our progress with the Employee Experience and Success pillar of our 10-year strategic plan. Check your email! On March…

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Faculty R&D Call for Proposals for Fall 2023 projects

Colleagues, The College of Charleston Faculty Research and Development Committee is now accepting proposals for Faculty Research and Development Grants for the award period for August 16th – December 31st, 2023. The deadline for submission of proposals is 5 PM on Monday, April 3rd, 2023. Updated proposal guidelines, forms, and examples of successful proposals are…

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Study Abroad Proposal and Provider Workshop

** From Melissa Ochal, Director, Center for International Education ** On Wednesday, March 22nd at 4pm in RSS 206, CIE will be hosting a workshop for anyone interested in learning more about study abroad program design and approval as well as the support a study abroad provider offers to faculty program directors. We will be…

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Faculty Feedback – Convocation and The College Reads

** From Christopher Korey, Associate Provost for Student Success ** Dear Colleagues, I am writing on behalf of a faculty and staff committee that is examining how we introduce students to the academic life of the College through Convocation and The College Reads! Program. All academic schools are represented on this committee. Each fall on…

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Reminder-Call for Nominations: 2023 Distinguished SB Faculty Awards

Howard F. Rudd, Jr. Distinguished Faculty Award for Service Leadership This is the official call for nominations for the Howard F. Rudd, Jr. Distinguished Faculty Award for Service Leadership. Please note that this largest award given and is open only to Business school professors that received “exceeds expectations” in all categories of their most recent annual…

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School of Business Student Research Pool

From Kelley Anderson, assistant professor of Marketing It’s not too late to sign up!  We’d love to have your students sign-up for SSRP, and we are at the prime stage to take in studies for our students to engage in. Faculty and students’ participation is integral to making this pilot a success. Here is how…

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Grant Writing 101

From Rene Mueller Grants are a great way to fund personal research and professional development. While grants do require a lot of time and effort to write and administer, grants provide independence from School and College resources. For those interested in writing grants, I will offer a short 1.5 hour Grant Writing 101 workshop on…

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Faculty Panel – Accepted Students Day

From Grace Vail ’18, Admissions Representative Greetings Faculty! The Office of Admissions will be hosting an Open House for prospective students and families on Saturday, February 25th . We are expecting 1300 registered guests for this event and we hope to provide them with the best campus visit experience possible. This special day will feature…

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Join The Conversation

From Ron Menchaca, Vice President of Communications I’m writing to ask for your participation in a new strategic initiative intended to highlight the academic expertise of our faculty and to increase national visibility for the College and its programs. In January 2023, the College began a one-year pilot membership with the non-profit news organization The…

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Study Abroad in Egypt

From Timothy Johnson, Dean, School of Languages, Cultures and World Affairs It is a pleasure to alert you to this exciting opportunity to study at the American University of Cairo. This program is supported by a generous scholarship from the School of Languages, Cultures and World Affairs, and I strongly encourage you to consider it…

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TLTCon 2023

From Victor Ruiz, SB Instructional Technologist School of Business, You’ve probably seen our new yard signs (above) around campus. We’re very excited to announce that registration for the 7th Annual Teaching, Learning, and Technology Conference (TLTCon) is now open! Like past conferences, TLTCon 2023 (May 16-17) is FREE and fully online (via Zoom). Please register…

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Call for Nominations: 2023 Distinguished SB Faculty Awards

Howard F. Rudd, Jr. Distinguished Faculty Award for Service Leadership This is the official call for nominations for the Howard F. Rudd, Jr. Distinguished Faculty Award for Service Leadership. Please note that this largest award given and is open only to Business school professors that received “exceeds expectations” in all categories of their most recent annual…

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Invitation to Participate in AOL Workshops

YOU ARE INVITED! The Dean’s office has worked with our colleagues Marcia Snyder and Gia Quesada to host to workshops to help us hone (and streamline) our skills for Assurance of Learning. Whether a new instructor or a seasoned full professor, we think these workshops will help us all calibrate our expectations regarding assurance of…

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Bank of America Teaching Professorship

From Bob Pitts Colleagues –  the BA Teaching Professorship announcement is in the School of Business Team. Key dates February 16  – Nominations must be received. Send nominations to March 16  – All material for review must be received by , 2023. May 4  – Honoree will be announced at the final School faculty meeting July 1 –  Appointment Begins If nominated the materials…

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Bank of America Teaching Professorship

From the School of Business Faculty Development Committee via Bob Pitts Colleagues – the Faculty Development Committee has completed the workup for the Bank of America Teaching Professorship.   The Bank of America Teaching Professorship will be awarded to a roster faculty member designated by their colleagues as embodying the highest standards and commitment to teaching excellence…

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Middle Eastern Grant Reminder

From Rene Mueller This is just a reminder to submit your proposal for the Middle East and its Periphery (MENAP) grant funds.  The application suggests that you have to present a paper and, while that is preferable, that is not necessary.  If you just attend a conference, you should plan on doing something else eg…

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Peer Advisor Applications are Open

From Karen Hauschild, Director of Academic Advising The Academic Advising and Planning Center at the College of Charleston is seeking Peer Advisors applicants for the 2023-24 academic year.  One position will begin this summer and an additional three will join us this fall.  For all of the details and the application, you can reference our…

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INTB Committee Recruitment

Submitted on behalf of Rene Mueller If you are interested in joining the INTB committee, please email Rene. We won’t meet often but when we do, I will try and have a zoom option.  The best time is probably T or Th at 3 (it depends on whether everyone is available then).

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