Charleston School of Business Faculty & Staff Updates

Midterm Grades Submission – This Friday

The Faculty Grade Assignment for Midterm grades remains open until Friday, February 28th at 12:00 pm. There is no additional opportunity to submit midterm grades after this date.   Why is the submission of accurate Midterm grades important?  Midterm grades give students, and those advising them, accurate information to make informed decisions about either course completion or withdrawal. As a faculty member what…

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SAVE THE DATE: CofC Day, March 19-20

CofC Day is the College of Charleston’s annual day of giving, where alumni, parents, faculty, staff, students, and community members come together to support the College and provide resources for our students, campus, and community. Every gift—big or small—makes an impact! This year’s theme: gaming through the decades! Department chairs and program directors should be on…

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Students Taking Courses at Another Institution

As we approach summer registration, students frequently ask:  How can I take a course at another institution?  Students must receive permission from the College of Charleston before enrolling in a course at another institution.  Check out this webpage the advising team has developed that outlines all of the steps in a single webpage:–Requesting-to-Take-Courses-at-Another-Institution.aspx Questions? …

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New Grade Redemption Policy Communication

Originally sent by Christopher Korey, Ph.D., associate provost for student success: The Faculty Senate approved a new Course Grade Redemption policy this past fall. The policy will go into effect at the start of the Fall 2025 school year.  At that time, a petition form will become available to students through the Office of the Registrar. …

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Summer/Fall 2025 Registration Entry Dates

Registration entry dates are now posted for Summer/Fall 2025. All students, regardless of earned credit hours, register for summer classes at 7:30 a.m. Thursday, March 13. Students register for fall classes based on earned credit hours from Thursday, March 27-Thursday, April 10.

Event Requests for School of Business Space

As space continues to be at a premium, please think about any events you may need space for during the Spring, Summer and Fall semesters. Be sure to think about any events around the end of the semester/commencement.  Patti already has requests for others who want to use our space, especially Tate 202/Tate Gallery. Please…

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Spring 2025 Advising Drop-In Hours

The advising team in the Student Success Center (Drew Newton, Robin Wibbenmeyer, Kenndal Romberg, and Matthew Zittritsch) has confirmed their spring drop-in schedule.  Drop-in hours are viewable here, and they are also posted below: All drop-in hours are held in-person in Beatty 100 (the School of Business Student Success Center). Monday, Jan. 6 – 2-4 p.m. Tuesday,…

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Spring 2025 Advising Drop-In Hours

The advising team in the Student Success Center (Drew Newton, Robin Wibbenmeyer, Kenndal Romberg, and Matthew Zittritsch) has confirmed their spring drop-in schedule.  Drop-in hours are viewable here, and they are also posted below: All drop-in hours are held in-person in Beatty 100 (the School of Business Student Success Center). Monday, Jan. 6 – 2-4 p.m. Tuesday,…

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Last chance! Campus Climate Survey

The Campus Climate Survey is now open! Faculty, staff and students should have received an email from Viewfinder Campus Climate Surveys with all the details. Your participation and feedback matters – the more responses we gather, the more comprehensive and valuable our insights will be. Survey Period: October 23 – November 15 Summary of results shared…

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Spring 2025 Textbook Submissions Due October 28

Please submit your Spring 2025 textbook and course materials to Cougar Complete. Early submissions make the program more affordable for the increasing number of participating students. To submit, access My Portal –> BNC Adoption and Insights. Here, you can also communicate with the BN (Barnes & Noble) staff regarding any special requests. For case studies…

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Campus Climate Survey

The Campus Climate Survey is now open! Faculty, staff and students should have received an email from Viewfinder Campus Climate Surveys with all the details. Your participation and feedback matters – the more responses we gather, the more comprehensive and valuable our insights will be. Survey Period: October 23 – November 15 Summary of results shared…

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Spring 2025 Textbook Submissions Due October 28

Please submit your Spring 2025 textbook and course materials to Cougar Complete. Early submissions make the program more affordable for the increasing number of participating students. To submit, access My Portal –> BNC Adoption and Insights. Here, you can also communicate with the BN (Barnes & Noble) staff regarding any special requests. For case studies…

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AACSB Visit – Sunday October 27- Tuesday October 29

Later this month, the Continuous Improvement Review (CIR) team will be on campus as part of our AACSB re-accreditation.  We have separate accreditation for Accounting, so our visit includes a team for the Accounting review and a team for the overall review of the business school.  This is an especially busy time for our school,…

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Academic Advising Updates

From Chris Korey, Associate Provost for Student Success: Dear Deans, Chairs, Program Directors, I hope the semester has started well for you.  I am writing to provide some updates to our advising process.  We have made significant progress in meeting the goals that we began discussing more than a year and a half ago when…

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Start-of-Semester Advising Support

Our advising team (Drew Newton, Robin Bradley, Kenndal Rote, and Matthew Zittritsch) will offer drop-in hours to help students with schedule changes through the add-drop period. All drop-in hours are held in Beatty 100 (the Student Success Center).  Drop-in hours are viewable here, and they are also posted below: Friday, August 16 – 9 a.m.-3 p.m….

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Critical Path Sheets

Our 2024-2025 critical path sheets are live! Critical path sheets provide a visualization of the requirements for each of our majors, and they are an important advising and degree planning tool. To view them, visit the Student Success Center page in the Hub here:

TLT – Thank you, Victor!

Thank you to Victor Ruiz for 3 years of assisting the School of Business through TLT! April 30th will be Victor Ruiz’s last day at the College. “I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here assisting the School of Business over the last 3 years and connecting with you all, along with many other individuals and…

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Advising Drop-In Support for Fall Registration

Fall registration begins next week based on students’ earned credit hours. To learn more about when students register, visit this webpage: The advising team in the Student Success Center will offer extended drop-in hours through fall registration to support students. Drop-in hours are as noted below: Monday, March 25 – 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Tuesday,…

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Last Call – Faculty Development Opportunity

Our colleague Chris Mothorpe is a past participant and is happy to speak with anyone who is interested in the opportunity. ** from Deanna M. Caveny, Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs ** Faculty colleagues, Via a partnership between CETL, the Office of the Provost, and your dean, sixteen faculty members (two from each school) will be provided…

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Summer/Fall Course Registration

Summer Course Registration: CofC students will register for summer courses Thursday, March 14 starting at 7:30 a.m. Non-CofC (visiting) students will register for summer courses starting Thursday, March 21. Fall Course Registration: Students will register for fall courses on a rolling schedule based on their number of earned hours.  To view the registration schedule, visit…

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