Charleston School of Business Faculty & Staff Updates

Rotary Global Grants Info Session

Please share with your students! Considering graduate school outside of the US? Don’t miss the upcoming Rotary Global Grants info session on Wednesday, February 7th at 5:30 pm in RSS 248. Global grant scholarships provide up to $45,000 in funding for graduate programs that align with one of Rotary’s seven areas of focus: promotion of…

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Professional Development Opportunity from the GBRC

This PD opportunity will be paid for through Dr. Rene Mueller’s MENA grant fund. Any SB faculty members who are interested in signing up, please let Matthew know by Friday, February 2 to ensure your spot will be paid for. A flyer for the event is attached. Please share it within your networks. Any questions,…

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Mentoring Matters Fair

Are you serving as a mentor for the Mentoring Matters program in the Office for Multicultural Student Programs. Are you interested in learning more, or becoming a mentor? Grab a friend and visit the Mentor Appreciation Fair.

TLT January Workshops!

Click HERE to access the zoom links for these sessions!

8th Annual German-American Business Summit – Feb. 7

Higher education and industry will meet again when the College of Charleston hosts the eighth annual German-American Business Summit on Wednesday, Feb. 7, 2024. The event begins with a job and internship expo for students from 11 a.m.–1 p.m in the Beatty Atrium. Registration for the conference portion begins at 1 p.m., and the event…

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Do you have what it takes to be on Jeopardy!?

I was recently contacted by an associate producer in the contestant department (triple verified!). The classic game show Jeopardy! Is looking for Educators to be contestants on the show. Please feel free to share this with others including colleagues, family and friends, etc. Here is the submission link: (*To be clear, yes this is…

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Barron’s & MarketWatch digital site-wide licenses

We are excited to continue our partnership with the Investing in Education (formerly Barron’s in Education) program from Dow Jones. This valuable financial program, gifted by Cheryl R. Holland of Abacus Planning Group, includes full access to Barron’s & MarketWatch, leading financial websites. When you register, you will gain access to exclusive webinars featuring current…

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Economics minor named semi-finalist for Critical Language Scholarship Program

Semi-finalist notifications went out yesterday for the Critical Language Scholarship Program (CLS), which enables students to spend a summer in a host country learning a language deemed critical by the State Department. Jack Watson, who is in the Honors College and is majoring in International Studies and French with a minor in Economics, was announced…

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CofC takes over the Top 10 in SC for Certiport Fall Qualifier

Nine of our students appeared in the top 10 for Certiport’s Microsoft Office Specialist 2023 State Championship Fall Qualifier! Student Name Rank in SC Robert Bare III 1st Kanami Wada 2nd Maja Jekauc 4th Bailee Brooks 5th Julius Bauernfeind 6th Evan Chenard 7th Julia Lloyd 8th Natalia Mattar 9th Corey Holcomb 10th Robert Bare has…

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Spring 2024 Economics Book Colloquium

Please share with your students. Sign up for the Center for Public Choice & Market Process’ Spring 2024 Economics Book Colloquium as we read “The Property of Species: Mine, Yours, and the Human Mind” by Bart J. Wilson. The EBC will meet from 3:30-4:45 in Beatty 301 on Jan 31, Feb 14, Feb 28, Mar…

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Interested in leading a study abroad in 2025? Pre-Applications Due Feb 1!

There is a new “pre-proposal” form asking faculty to express interest early in study abroad. You can find a link to the form on the website for the Center for International Education. The goal is to allow deans to recognize when there is synergy across programs, and allow more time for planning and collaboration across…

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Networking on the Go

The BHC SLS and Schottland Scholars have been busy! The BHC Service Leadership Scholars embarked on their inaugural Tour of Organizations in D.C. during winter break. The group met professionals from The American Society for Hematology, CVENT, Hilton, The Willard Intercontinental, Marriott, Vacation Rental Management Association. They also met with CofC alumni and President Hsu….

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SB Headshot Session

The Student Success Center will be hosting headshot sessions on the following days: Location: Beatty Center 4th Floor Time: 10:00-3:00 Dates: January 18 February 21 March 19 April 17

Welcome Back! TLT Newsletter Spring 2024

Welcome Back Everyone! HERE you will find the Spring 2024 Teaching and Learning Technologies Newsletter.  We have included the PDF with clickable links for your convenience.  As always, please feel free to reach out if you need anything.

The Schottland Scholar Program needs your best students!

Submitted on behalf of Esta Shah It is the time of year when we choose next year’s class of Schottland Scholars!  The fact is, our best students always come from your recommendations. If you have a high-potential junior in your class, please send us their name and encourage them to apply. If you send us a student’s…

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Preparing Students for a Future of AI Webinar

What should colleges be teaching their students about AI? How will AI impact students’ future careers? Join a live conversation on Thursday, January 25, at 2 pm ET / 11 am PT. Panelists for this free live event, Preparing Students for a Future of AI, include: Marty J. Alvarado, Vice President of Post Secondary Education…

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Major funding received for the Center for Public Choice and Market Process

We have good news from the Center for Public Choice & Market Process as we start off the new year. At the end of 2023, the Center for Public Choice and Market Process received two gifts from major donors. One is from a national organization for $199,660. The other is from a local organization for…

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Remembering Dr. John “Mike” Morgan

It is with great sadness that we share that former faculty member Dr. John “Mike” Morgan passed away on December 21st. He was the long-time chair of the economics department and a beloved mentor to many. Teaching was his passion, and that was apparent while Mike was a member of our academic family from 1986…

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New publication acceptance for Chris Mothorpe

Chris Mothorpe, associate professor and chair of the department of economics, recently received good news of a publication acceptance. “The Impact of Property Clustering on REIT Operational Efficiency and Firm Value” has been accepted for publication in The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics. His coauthor is our former finance colleague Daniel Huerta, Ph.D….

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Early Holiday Gift…

… of new copiers/printers! Here’s the information for the new copiers/printers in the 3rd and 4th floor suites. 3rd Floor –  MGMT-E62665 on wp-printserve-01 (black & white) and HTMT-X57945 on wp-printserve-01 (color) 4th Floor – ACLS-E82650 on wp-printserv-01 (black & white) and ACLS-X67755 on wp-printserv-01 (color) Adjunct Office Beatty 420 – SBUS-X57945 on wp-printserv-01 (black…

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