Charleston School of Business Faculty & Staff Updates

A Category of One

At the last BOG meeting, Justin McLain commented that my thoughts about our future reminded him of the book “A Category of One: How to Create and Dominate Your Market” by Joe Calloway. That piqued my interest, so I bought the book, and he was right. It’s how I think about the future of our…

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What’s Our Vision?

Imagine it’s 2030, and you are walking around our business school. How have you grown? How are you spending your time? How have we changed? What are we still doing? What have we stopped doing? What have we started doing? You get the idea. Last week I addressed how we should think about values, vision,…

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What Are Our Values?

That’s a question I’ve been pondering since July. We say “mission, vision, and values.” Personally, I wish we would say “values, vision, and mission,” which would elevate the importance of our shared values. Our values significantly impact our culture, which underpins everything we do. We each have personal values. Some of us can articulate them,…

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Be Curious

I hope you had a great spring break. It allowed me to spend time with family and finish several books. Reading is something I enjoy and need to do more often. I gleaned a few insights, such as instead of focusing on being right, we should consider ways we are wrong and strive to be…

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Spring Break

Many things are running through all our minds this spring break. We always use this time to catch up on the semester. Please also use this time to, well, take a break. The virtual world has changed the nature of breaks, but we still need them.  So, for this week, I simply want to share…

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Be Nice(r)

About a year ago, I read two articles that resonated with me, and I’ve reflected on them regularly since. They have given me new perspectives on what we have been through and the residual effects. While neither article was “encouraging,” they were both affirming that what we are seeing and experiencing is real. The first…

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The Fog is Clearing

It’s been more than two decades since my family and I took our first trip to the North Carolina mountains. It was an important trip because we were looking for a house and schools for the kids. We were moving because I was starting my first job after grad school. It was an exciting time…

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The Power of “We”

Earlier this week, Chris Mothorpe sent Carrie and I an email noting that we like quotes. He thought something he heard at church would resonate with us: The leaders who work most effectively, it seems to me, never say “I.” And that’s not because they have trained themselves not to say “I.” They don’t think…

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Epicenter of Societal Impact

This week I am at the AACSB Deans Conference and attended the Societal Impact Seminar. I enjoy these events because I learn that our challenges are not unique, but we also have one incredible business school. This week is no exception. At the CofC, we do so much that positively impacts society. I think it…

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Weniger Aber Besser

I am continually impressed by the excellent teaching, research, and service prevalent in the School of Business and across the College. As we have conversations about our future and build out our strategic plan, I am aware that we often talk about new classes, programs, ideas, and even new newer ideas. It’s easy. We are…

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Infinite Success

Happy 253rd Birthday, CofC! What an impressive accomplishment, and it didn’t happen by accident. It happened because people like you cared and did what they could to advance our institution. As I think about what our future looks like, I can’t help but think about one of my favorite books – The Infinite Game, by…

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The Gift of Giving

Mark your calendar. The 4th annual CofC Day is next Thursday, January 26. It’s an important day as we continue to build a culture of giving. CofC Day is the College’s 24-hour day of giving that takes place on our founding day – that’s significant. It reminds us that we have a long-distinguished history and…

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World Class

First, I hope your semester is off to a good start, and you are excited about 2023. I know I am. It’s going to be a good year. Each day I learn something new about Our School of Business and the College. Sure, we have our challenges. But this is a special place filled with…

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The Best Ideas

Welcome to 2023 – it’s a new year and it promises to be a different year. I’m hoping different in a good way. Higher education, and the world, has been significantly disrupted over the last few years – you know that better than most.  It’s been said that “we can’t solve today’s problems with yesterday’s…

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As we prepare for the new year – 2023, really? – it’s a time when we each reflect and think about what we would like the next year to look like. How do we want to be better? How do we want to improve? What do we need to do differently? To what do we…

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Happy Holidays!

Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Joyous Kwanzaa! Remember:

Winding Down

Graduation is Saturday, the holidays are approaching, and soon it will be 2023. How did that happen? A lot happened in 2022, but the world seemed more “normal” than in 2021 and certainly more than 2020. But it was certainly an unusual year for all of us in the School of Business. We got through…

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Our Shared Future

It was great to see everyone Tuesday evening at the Holiday Mix and Mingle. The event was a great reminder that we have great faculty, staff, BOG members, and College leaders all working together to advance our great institution. We shared some laughs, food, drink, and a lot of conversations about where we’ve been and…

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Supporting The Right People

In my first email to faculty and staff back in July, I wrote about how apparent it was that our business school is a special place because of spectacular people – the right people. This week, I think about how we can intentionally develop, support, and empower them. That said, I’m pleased to remind you…

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Often, I think Thanksgiving should be more than once a year. Not because I like turkey but because being thankful is good for the soul. Last Friday, as I was walking down the stairs of the parking garage, a mom was walking with her son while he sang BINGO – loudly. She apologized and offered…

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