Thank You! / Various Data Points
The drop/add period for the Express I and full semester classes has ended. I wanted to send a quick note to you to THANK YOU for our continued partnership. Meeting class needs (for individual or groups of students), addressing student issues, and much more absolutely would not be possible without our collaboration and shared trust. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Thank you as well for helping us implement waitlists full-scale—and utilize that data to meet student need.
Below are also some data points I wanted to share as we look back at add/drop support and new transfer advising as well as look ahead to the enrollment we’ll support this spring.
Please don’t hesitate to share any questions.
Date | Schedule | Student Supported |
Monday, Jan. 6 | 2-4 p.m. | 15 |
Tuesday, Jan. 7 | 2-4 p.m. | 31 |
Wednesday, Jan. 8 | 9 a.m.-4 p.m. | 68 |
Thursday, Jan. 9 | 9 a.m.-4 p.m. | 60 |
Friday, Jan. 10 | 9 a.m.-3 p.m. | 19 |
Monday, Jan. 13 | 9 a.m.-4 p.m. | 42 |
Tuesday, Jan. 14 | 9 a.m.-4 p.m. | 39 |
Subtotal | 274 | |
Drop-Ins for Matthew Z.
(for advising; doesn’t include quick study abroad questions) |
16 |
TOTAL | 290 |
53 total transfers referred by New Student Programs
- 42 of the students were advised in a 1:1, pre-orientation advising appointment (79%)
This data was produced using the Cognos report linked here.
Data was extracted this morning (Wednesday, Jan. 15).
Total Individual (non-duplicated) Students in a Business Major, Minor, or Certificate (including BPS):
Declarations by Program:
(doesn’t include BPS students or certificate students)
(does include duplicated students who have more than one Business major/minor):
Major | Count |
Accounting | 203 |
Business Administration | 923 |
BADM, No Concentration | 458 |
BADM Entrepreneurship | 170 |
BADM Finance | 99 |
BADM GLAT | 21 |
BADM HTMT | 53 |
BADM Leadership for Sustainability | 12 |
BADM Real Estate | 110 |
Commercial Real Estate Finance | 185 |
Economics | 94 |
Finance | 459 |
HTMT | 157 |
International Business | 214 |
Management | 76 |
Marketing | 635 |
Supply Chain Management | 66 |
TOTAL MAJORS, including double majors | 3,012 |
Minors | Count |
Business Administration (BADM) | 144 |
Business Analytics (BUAN) | 6 |
Business Applications of Weather and Climate (BAWC) | Not on report |
Economics (ECON) | 74 |
Entrepreneurship (ENTR) | 100 |
Finance (FINC) | 46 |
Financial Technology (FINT) | 8 |
Global Logistics and Transportation (GLAT) | 40 |
Hospitality and Tourism Management (HTMT) | 60 |
Healthcare and Medical Services Management (HCMS) | 35 |
Information Management (INFM) | 9 |
Leadership for Sustainability (LDSS) | 19 |
Management (MGMT) | 39 |
Marketing (MKTG) | 173 |
Program Management (PMGM) | 44 |
Real Estate | 55 |
TOTAL MINORS, including double minors | 852 |