Charleston School of Business Faculty & Staff Updates

Reasons to Smile

Does busyness make you smile? It doesn’t work for me. But for some reason, this week, it did. As I mentioned in my AACSB update email, it’s been a busy couple of weeks. Women For Women was an incredible event that invested in women and honored Mary Thornley, who had a tremendous impact on education in the Lowcountry. Then, the Strategic Investment Symposium brought together experts from across the nation, and while I am not a “finance guy,” it was impressive, and I learned a lot. I’d encourage you to make the time in the future to attend one of these remarkable events.

Then there was the AACSB visit. Phew, that was a whirlwind—months of preparation to be over in just a few days.

As I reflected, I realized that I had smiled in each of these busy moments. I asked myself, “why”? And it was clear, it was because of the people. It was the level of engagement, the exchange of ideas, and the professionalism. Pushing a bit more, each experience exemplified the values we’ve been considering. Each had a clear purpose, added value to relationships, and focused on outcomes. Each achieved a result that made everyone engaged in the process better. They were excellent reasons to smile.

It’s a busy time of the semester, so seeing the good is refreshing. With a short fall break this weekend, I hope you can also take a few moments to reflect. I hope you can smile in the busyness, knowing that what you do matters.

YOU make a difference!

Ponder this with me …

Paul • October 30, 2024

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