Thanks, Entrepreneurship, & AACSB
First, thank you for the many words of encouragement and support as Christine and I cope with the loss of our dear friend Nancy. We are trying to focus on our 20+ years of great friendship, which reminds us that we need to enjoy today and that we are blessed to work with great people.
Second, speaking of great people, it was rewarding to see the conversations and process of the BS in Entrepreneurship play out. The proposal presented at our last School meeting received a favorable vote and is moving to the next step. Robust processes and engagement like this make the academy unique. Curriculum is the purview of the faculty, and I am thankful that we take that responsibility seriously. Entrepreneurship is in the DNA of our School, and it will be exciting to see this degree elevate it.
Finally, our AACSB peer review team will be on campus beginning next week. These volunteers have a very busy schedule, and we appreciate their service. At the heart of AACSB accreditation are three words: Impact, Innovation, and Engagement. Few Schools exemplify these attributes more than ours. The team wants to hear your stories, so think about the last five years and how you have seen these attributes exemplified in Charleston.
Thank you for all you do.
YOU make a difference!
Ponder this with me…
As has become the custom:
Special thanks to Copilot and Grammarly