Academic Advising Updates
From Chris Korey, Associate Provost for Student Success:
Dear Deans, Chairs, Program Directors,
I hope the semester has started well for you. I am writing to provide some updates to our advising process. We have made significant progress in meeting the goals that we began discussing more than a year and a half ago when the Provost and I met with individual schools.
First, thank you for your engagement with our Academic Advising and Planning Office over the past year. Through your participation in our advising consortium presentations and your collaboration with our departmental advisor liaisons on the degree maps we have improved our ability to serve our new first year and transfer students through our required advising program. We will continue to strengthen these relationships in the coming year.
We have added additional advisors to AAPC so that we will now provide required holistic advising to:
- All students (except honors and athletes) through their first year, and undeclared students in their second year
- All new transfer students in their first semester (except declared business transfers), and returning undeclared transfer students
To facilitate this update, AAPC will now apply their advising hold to all undeclared and declared first year students and first semester transfer students. Departments with required advising, will use their advising hold starting with a declared student’s second year.
I have attached a two-page information sheet that outlines our updated processes with first year students, transfers, and declared students beyond the first year. A version of the second page will be circulated to all faculty advisors so they know which offices they can direct their major advisees to for specific advising questions.
Thanks for the ongoing support of our student retention and progression initiatives.