Share with Students: Tutoring and Academic Coaching (including FINC 303 tutoring in Beatty!)
From Lindy Coleman, Director of the Center for Student Learning (CSL)
On behalf of the CSL, we are excited to kick off CSL Satellite Tutoring FINC 303 on Fridays from 10 am-3 pm in the Beatty Innovation Lab! See details here.
CSL Tutors Jason, Ben, Cristiano, and Corey will be in the Innovation Lab—look for their nametags and table signs—and ready to assist your students before or after their class sessions! Sessions are drop in, so students can come at their convenience, and stay as long as they want!
In addition, please share with your students that the CSL Business Tutoring Lab in ADDL Library is open for business 40+ hours/week with drop-in tutoring in ACCT, ECON, FINC, DSCI and INFM. See the full Business Tutoring Lab schedule here.
We appreciate our partnership with the School of Business faculty and staff! Thanks for the opportunity to support all your students with tutoring and provide professional development opportunities for selected students to join our CSL staff! Have a student who would be a great tutor? Encourage them to complete the Join Our Team! Application on the CSL Hub site.