More And Less
Now that the chaos called the start of a new year/semester is behind us, I have a question for you:
What do you want to do more of, and what do you want to do less of this year?
To make OUR School the best it can be, there’s a certain amount of “stuff” we all must do. But the great thing about our school is we are creating a place where we can all bring our best selves. What does your best self look like? To be your best, what do you need to do more of? What do you need to do less of?
That’s something I’ve been thinking about. I’ve learned that I can do almost anything at this point in life. But I still can’t do everything.
This fits with the idea of Weniger Aber Besser but from a different perspective. Personally, I am finding that the simple practices of journaling and mindfulness help me better focus on the less/more balance. Am I good at those practices? No. But we all benefit from being more intentional.
So, before we get too far into 2024, think about both parts of the less/more question and how it enables you to be your best self and makes us all better.
YOU make a difference.
Ponder with me ….