Fall 2023 – SSRP Request
*** from Kelley Cours Anderson, Ph.D.,Assistant Professor of Marketing ***
I hope everyone has been able to get some well-deserved rest this summer! While some of you are planning for Fall classes, I wanted to remind you of our SSRP (School of Business Student Research Pool) program. We had a tremendous pilot of our SSRP program last year. Highlights from last Spring’s SB pilot:
- 203 total student participants
- 12 instructors signed up 16 different courses
- 6 academic studies
The data collected helped faculty researchers and supported students’ bachelor essays for last year and this incoming year. This is a fantastic start, and none of this would have been possible without your participation! This program has a ton of opportunity to grow with the School of Business. We hope you all will participate – both as study contributors and as instructors to sign up your students as participants.
If you aren’t familiar with SSRP (SB Student Research Pool), this program allows for our scholars to engage students in research through surveys, interviews, experiments, and more. Check out this SSRP intro link for more details. You will find a quick introduction video to the SSRP and all the details needed to get started. For those on the go, here are the quick highlights:
· Your (and thus, your students’) participation is integral to making this program successful. The request:
o Preferably requiring students to take 2-4 credits (1 credit equivalent to ~30-minute study).
o Submit IRB-approved studies.
· A link to the sign-up form is provided so we can set up your instructor/researcher accounts.
*If you participated in a past semester – no need to sign up on this form. Please send your Fall courses and desired credits per course to ssrp@cofc.edu.
· Sample syllabus language is provided.
· We are using the SONA system to help automate as much as possible – this is a top system used by universities worldwide.
We do hope you all participate this Spring. Feel free to peruse the link and reach out with any questions.