Midterm Grades Submission – This Friday
The Faculty Grade Assignment for Midterm grades remains open until Friday, February 28th at 12:00 pm. There is no additional opportunity to submit midterm grades after this date.
Why is the submission of accurate Midterm grades important?
- Midterm grades give students, and those advising them, accurate information to make informed decisions about either course completion or withdrawal.
As a faculty member what are the most important things I can do?
- Submit accurate Midterm grades prior to 12:00 pm on February 28th
- Reach out to all students in your courses and those that you advise who have deficient Midterm grades to discuss how to best approach the remainder of the semester. This could include consideration for course withdrawal or employing different academic strategies.
- Submit a FAST report for any student who has excessive absences or may be experiencing challenges impacting their academic success. When it comes to a FAST report: “If in doubt, fill it out.”
What do we know about Midterm grades from reviewing our data here at the College?
- 52% of F, D-, D, D+ grades at Midterm stay the same for final grades.
- 75% of F midterm grades result in a final grade of C- or lower.
- Midterm grades are good predictors of LIFE scholarship retention.
How does the Academic Success and Retention Office use Midterm grades to promote and support student success?
- The ASRO office reaches out to all students who have midterm grades below a C to meet one-on-one with them to discuss their academic challenges, assist in determining enrollment options, and to provide information about available College resources.
Faculty Advisors: Upcoming changes to reviewing midterm grades:
- Midterm grades can be viewed in Student Success Insights
- Instructions on how to log in are attached, titled “Logging into SSI: Advisor Tile”
- Student Success Insights (Faculty/Staff) Training Hub
If you have any questions, please reach out to Jessica Zuber, Director, Academic Success and Retention Office (zuberj@cofc.edu).