Tradition & Transformation
It’s always interesting to hear how others perceive CofC. The SECM Dean candidates have been no exception. One candidate shared an insight that has stuck with me. I’ll paraphrase, “You could take my current institution and move it to a new city, and it will still feel like the same institution. But if you take CofC out of Charleston, it’s not the same institution.” I’ve heard numerous variations of this theme, but this statement is poignant.
Alumni often tell me they aren’t sure if they love the College or the City more. I think that’s because Charleston and the College are both about Tradition and Transformation. Our history is rich, yet we have world-class organizations in our backyard. Because this is the title of our strategic plan, we often take these two aspects for granted. I know I do.
Over the next few days, I’d encourage you to look for the tradition that’s all around, on campus and in the community. Appreciate it. Then, look for the transformation in your classroom, across campus, and the community. Appreciate it as well.
More importantly, know that you are essential to both the tradition and transformation.
YOU make a difference!
Ponder this with me …