Changes to the Annual Evaluation Process
In our School of Business meeting last Thursday, we shared news that all Annual Reviews will now occur in Interfolio. Paul showed a screen capture of what you will see in Interfolio (these slides are also available in the School of Business TEAMS site).
To summarize, per the campus interpretation of state law, all faculty must undergo annual evaluation every year. “Rollover” evaluations are no longer allowed. All faculty evaluations will occur in Interfolio starting this year. You should have already received an email notice that your “case” has been established in Interfolio (email sent January 21). Your email notification will include information regarding how to access your case in Interfolio. You can also access Interfolio from MyPortal.
Faculty are asked to: 1. Upload an updated CV, and 2. Provide a brief description for each evaluation category (teaching, research/professional development, service) by February 7th. The documents for every step of the review process will be stored in Interfolio. The entire College will use a consistent process.
Adjunct faculty will also undergo an evaluation process each year. Information on this process will be distributed as soon as we know more.
Questions? Feel free to post in the School of Business TEAMS page! It’s a new system, but one that seems easy to use.
If there is a hiccup, please be patient and communicate. I am sure there is nothing we can’t resolve.