Charleston School of Business Faculty & Staff Updates

Learning Mindset

Our friend, Craig Van Slyke, had a recent Substack post about which I can’t stop thinking.

Beyond Grades: Transitioning from Transactional Education

While it’s part of his AI Goes to College work, AI is just a tiny part of the article. While the title mentions transitional education, developing a learning mindset is the actual value. Those of us who have been engaged in higher education for decades have witnessed our move toward transactional education firsthand. The advent of AI has intensified our recognition of this move, and many of us are dealing with the symptoms, not the root cause.

Craig argues that higher education has become overly transactional, with grades and assignments often becoming the primary focus, overshadowing genuine learning. This trend is reflected in our grading systems, which prioritize completion or effort over mastery of content. He also points out that this transactional mindset is reinforced by syllabi that resemble contracts and grading schemes that assign grades based on what students “do” rather than what they “learn.”

AI has exposed the flaws in the system, as AI makes it easier for students to complete assignments without deeply engaging with the material. While some of us have reverted to more traditional grading methods, such as in-class exams, this does not address the root problem: the transactional nature of modern education.

To move forward, Craig suggests two key actions. First, we should critically reassess our courses to avoid sending transactional signals. We must ensure that learning objectives and activities genuinely focus on learning rather than just earning points. Second, it should help students develop a learning mindset by emphasizing the importance of the content they are studying rather than just the grades they will earn.

We can all benefit from a learning mindset.

YOU make a difference!

Ponder this with me …

Paul • January 16, 2025

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