Spring 2025 Textbook Submissions Due October 28
Please submit your Spring 2025 textbook and course materials to Cougar Complete. Early submissions make the program more affordable for the increasing number of participating students.
To submit, access My Portal –> BNC Adoption and Insights. Here, you can also communicate with the BN (Barnes & Noble) staff regarding any special requests. For case studies or articles, submit materials by October 28 to guarantee availability.
If no materials for purchase are required, please notify the bookstore through the same portal. This allows students to better estimate costs when considering Cougar Complete.
Currently, 40% of School of Business courses have submitted materials for Spring 2025. Leading the way is Hospitality & Tourism Management, with 71% of courses having submitted textbooks. Kudos to the full-time faculty in Hospitality & Tourism Management; every single one of them have submitted the textbooks and materials for their sections.
Can any other department hit full faculty participation before HTMT gets all their adjunct sections posted?