AACSB Visit – Sunday October 27- Tuesday October 29
Later this month, the Continuous Improvement Review (CIR) team will be on campus as part of our AACSB re-accreditation. We have separate accreditation for Accounting, so our visit includes a team for the Accounting review and a team for the overall review of the business school.
This is an especially busy time for our school, as the team will want to see nearly all the members of our business school in some capacity. On Sunday, October 27, from 6-8 PM, we will host an Impact and Engagement Reception. Deans, Chairs, and Program Directors, select students, and members of our business community will gather for food and fellowship while putting our programs on display. On Monday, October 28, the CIR Team will spend the entire day meeting in small groups with committees, faculty, staff, and students.
You will receive meeting invites in the next few days and a schedule for the visit; even still, try to keep your schedule for Monday, October 28 flexible in case there is a shift in your meeting time. Come to the meetings ready to participate. We have a lot of great stuff going on here, but that does not mean you can’t be honest about our challenges. We have challenges; everyone does. Share the great, but don’t be afraid to share weaknesses and threats.
Finally, I can’t help but say this. This is my 18th year at the College, so this is my third time participating in an AACSB Re-accreditation. I have always found it to be a rewarding and educational experience. AACSB provides standards and aspirational goals for our Business School. Reviewing those standards and goals, and seeing where we measure up and where we fall short, is a fantastic exercise. I believe the goals that accompany our AACSB accreditation are good goals, and therefore, the AACSB visit is a rare opportunity to get objective feedback on how we can better live up to our accreditation.