Recruiting Participants for “Course Design for the Last Accounting Courses in the Business Major”
Kimberly Tribou (Accounting and Business Law) is studying sophomore student perceptions of the accounting profession. As part of this research, Dr. Tribou wants to interview faculty in other business school disciplines to better understand how students use financial statement information to support quantitative decision-making in their major coursework, their internships, and their future positions. These interviews, which will be preceded by an online demographic survey, will take between 45-60 minutes and can be scheduled at your convenience. Your responses will benefit the accounting departments who will design future accounting courses that are interesting and engaging to major and non-major students alike.
If interested, please complete the form at https://forms.office.com/r/DdTuiK6FiK to provide participant institution information and schedule a meeting. If you have colleagues at other institutions who would be interested in sharing feedback, please direct them to Kimberly Tribou (triboukj@cofc.edu).