Coursera Summer Professional Learning Community
Are you interested in adding microcredentials and certifications to your programs or courses that will provide students with industry credentials that augment your course content?
Lancie Affonso (senior instructor in Computer Science/Management and Marketing), the CETL Coursera Project Director, will offer a summer professional learning community (PLC) for faculty interested in learning more about Coursera and completing a Coursera certificate program themselves and incorporating Coursera Career Academy into their course syllabi for the 2024-2025 academic year. The group will meet four times over the summer on Tuesdays via Zoom, led by Lancie (see flyer below).
Lancie’s experience across disciplines and success in implementing Coursera Career Academy will assist interested faculty in pairing, planning, and embedding relevant certificates in their courses and/or programs.
This PLC is limited to ten faculty who are new to exploring and aligning Coursera in their courses and/or programs.
If interested, please complete the registration by June 25 by clicking the link below):