Intentionality & Summer Reading
How’s your first week of summer been? Mine’s been busy, but a different kind of busy. There are still plenty of meetings, but there’s more time to be intentional. The academic year seems like we go from one thing to the next. We spend more time being reactive than proactive. Summer gives us time to be more intentional. There are three areas I want to be more intentional.
High-Impact Work
Summer will fly by quickly. So, I am actively scheduling time to focus on work that has slipped due to the busyness of the academic year. Sure, there’s still a significant whirlwind of administrative work to do. That never seems to go away. But I am closing my door a bit more for better focus time. I hope you can find a place where you can get some focus time to take care of your high-impact work.
High-Impact Rest
Second, I am making sure to get some time away from the office to spend with my family. Spend time in nature and enjoy a few hikes. During these times, I will also schedule some time to simply rest, turn off the technology, and just disconnect. Please make sure you don’t stuff your summer so full of high-impact work that you forget to relax.
High-Impact Reading
Finally, I am setting aside time for high-impact reading. Here’s where I can use your help. Is there a book that you’ve found particularly insightful? Please share. We can compare notes at the start of the new year.
As you can see, I’m intentionally making more time to do things with a high impact.
I’ve shared this cartoon before, but it’s worth repeating.
YOU make a difference!
Ponder this with me …