EXPO 2024: Celebration and Thank You
The 2024 EXPO represented a successful celebration of research, scholarship, creative inquiry, and community service. Over 250 student projects were presented. Of those, one student from each school was selected to give an oral presentation of their research.
Nick Matthews represented the School of Business by giving both an oral presentation and poster presentation titled, “Racial Minorities Usage of South Carolina Beaches, and the Barriers to such Usage.” Nick’s research was supervised by Dr. Daniel Guttentag and Dr. Steve Litvin. He received the 2024 School of Business Award from the Alumni Association in honor of his good work.
Other awards were given for poster presentations. Top prize was awarded to Kiley Pettit for research titled “Social Media Marketing Manager Burnout” supervised by Dr. Kelley Cours Anderson. Second place went to Riley Haas (supervised by Dr. Chris Mothorpe) for research titled, “The Economic Impacts of Nuisance Flooding.” Third place went to Serena Pipes (supervised by Dr. Calvin Blackwell) for research titled, “The Value of Quitting.”
M.B.A. candidate Daniel Sanguino Franco also presented a poster presentation titled “The College of Charleston’s Green Office Program,” supervised by Dr. Nicole Killen.
This presentation won the Top Graduate Paper Award. A special thank you to judges who helped with the event, including Dr. Kimberly Tribou, Dr. Christopher Morthorpe, and Dr. Pete Calcagno, and to our faculty who supervised the poster presentations.