Recent research publications by Anderson, Wang, and Hefner
Congratulations to our business faculty on their latest research achievements:
Technology has Agency too! Disentangling Technology’s Causal and Structural Agency in a Service System
Kelley Cours Anderson, Hans Hansen, and Debra Laverie
Journal of Macromarketing (ranked A on the ABDC list, impact factor 3.1)
The article argues that technology has agency and highlights the impact it makes in modifying market actors’ behavior in addition to the wider marketing system. The abductive qualitative methodology extends Service-Dominant Logic with the Actor-Network Theory in the context of VR-tours in the residential real estate industry.
Stock Performance of the Cannabis Industry Compared to Other Sin Industries
Paige Turley (Honors student), Weishen Wang, Frank Hefner
The Journal of Beta Investment Strategies
Cannabis is a controversial product, and cannabis related businesses (CRB) currently are constrained at the federal level and in many states where the use of cannabis is illegal. To analyze whether these constraints and controversies affected performance, we created a portfolio containing cannabis firms and their stocks to measure growth and stock performance. We compared the performance of the cannabis industry with other similar “sin” industries. We found that despite the constraints and controversies surrounding the industry, firms in the cannabis industry have high growth rates and their stocks perform favorably compared to broad indexes and other “sin” industries. Based on some valuation metrics cannabis stocks currently are undervalued.