Introducing the New Campus Calendar
The college has a new calendar system! You can find it at calendar.charleston.edu. Anyone with CofC credentials can now add their events to the college’s calendar. Calendars will be embedded on webpages soon. We have many events in the business school and this will be a great way to promote your events to the campus community and general public.
The new events calendar offers a robust set of features, including:
- Custom categories so users can narrow down what type of events they are looking for
- Ability to add events to users’ personal calendars
- Filters that feed events directly to departments webpages with events calendars
- Registration right on the site without having to go through a third party
- Event metrics so event managers can see event views, registrations and social activity
- Event landing pages so users can learn more about the event in which they are interested
Members of the campus community may now easily submit events by following the instructions on the Campus Calendar Cheat Sheet.
Please note that events should be submitted at least five business days before the event date. Events already submitted via Cougar Connect will automatically be submitted to the Campus Calendar. The streamlined process makes submitting events easier than ever.
Please email calendar@cofc.edu with any questions about the new Campus Calendar.