Annual Evaluations
The evaluation process follows the guidelines in our College Faculty Administration Manual (section IV-n) and the College of Charleston annual merit evaluation calendar.
Early January: Faculty are notified of Annual Evaluation process deadlines and deadlines.
January 25: Deadline for eligible faculty to request rollover evaluation. Clarify with Chair if using a rollover evaluation will impact merit raise eligibility.
January 29: Chair provides Dean with a complete list of faculty for whom she/he expects to allow “rollover” evaluation to stand. Confirms eligibility with Dean.
February 2: Chairs provide in writing approval/denial of requests to allow previous performance evaluation to stand.
February 12: Annual Evaluation materials submitted to Chairs.
- All Faculty (including those participating in rollover or T&P) submit updated CV (please highlight items pertaining to the period in evaluation).
- All Faculty (including those participating in rollover or T&P) update Research and Service info in Faculty Activity System (FAS). Update publications and Other Intellectual Contributions (OIC)s for past 5 years.
- Faculty participating in annual evaluation submit a Faculty Activity Report using this template. The information in the FAS can be downloaded as a report, and referenced in lieu of relevant portions of the Faculty Activity Report. Faculty may also submit a self-authored annual evaluation and merit statement.
March 15: Deadline for Chair to provide 1) annual evaluation with 2) merit category (separate, brief document) to Dean for review and signature. For “rollover” reviews and faculty who participated in major review, Chair writes brief memo summarizing merit category for the year.
April 15: Chair completes all review meetings with faculty members.
The SB Annual Evaluation file in the School of Business TEAMS contains complete instructions and template for submission.