2024 German-American Business Summit
Consider putting the date of our 8th German-American Business Summit held on Wednesday, February 7th, 2024, on your syllabi.
We are excited to announce that the Job and Internship Expo will be held in the School of Business Atrium from 11:00-1:00, followed by the summit portion introduced by President Hsu in the Wells Fargo Auditorium from 1:30-5:00. Last year, over 200 students participated in the Expo with employers including Mercedes-Benz Vans, Bosch, BMW, KION, and more.
For the summit, we have two panel discussions in the works moderated by Dr. Qian Zhang, Assistant Professor, Systems Engineering, and Dr. Iris Junglas, Professor, Noah T. Leask Distinguished Chair in Information Management and Innovation. Seating is limited for the Summit portion and registration is required.
- Free Registration: Faculty and Staff (https://give.cofc.edu/GABS)
- Free Registration: Students, Job and Internship Expo (https://cofc.joinhandshake.com/events/1321198/share_preview)
The day will conclude with a reception for industry guests and faculty at the President’s house at 5pm to which you are invited.
If there is a way that you can work the job expo and/or conference into your class syllabi and encourage your students to attend, please do so. Best wishes for a wonderful holiday season and winter break!